Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 252, 28 Iune 1893 — Untitled [ARTICLE]
Mi ch has been said and written of late by the annexationists whieh to a eloee obserrer indicates that *ven the moei rabid of them hare at last acknowledged th<* fact that annexation under the conditions and tenns they h.ive exp**cted is hopeleBBly unattuinable. The Star of Monduy, ‘indicated as mueh • when it n tifled its readers (few though they be) that it didn t matter if anneiaiion didn’t enme for thre* ycars, and further thal one year niore of the present military reginie \vould convert all the Boyalists into annexationists as a nn de of getting out of the frying pan into the fire. And now the Advertieer of this morning says ‘Tn any event the case of Hawaii cannot be justly cited as one in pomt” (referring to the charge that the Democratic Adminisiration is seeking to diecredit by every tneans its predecessor the Kepuhliean party) “for ho ac(ion has yet heen taken thereon by Ihe United States gov•rnment either denyine; or confirming tne foreign policy of the previous administration.” To siy such thing« as these. ahowa how mueh inenlal paresis has taken etfect on the inspirers and leaders of the annexationists to say nothingof the moral paludism whieh has seized the writera of the«e ehe/ d'a'uvre* of misreprosentation and misleading. How' different in four short months frooi the time when we were treated to the joyous telegrams from every station on the road fromSan Franeieeo to Washington of the liying «peed of the five Comniis8i<>ner« and their deteruiination to make the l>est possible tiuie across the Continent, so na to have the whole annexation queetion settled before Paul Neumann and Prince Kawananakoacou!d possibly arrive there How they llewl How they joyously telegrauhed, that they were a few hours near thegoal! That they had arrived! That lhey were flying the Hawaiian flag from their Hotel flagstaff! That the i>eople wondered that they were not hlaek or brown or «ome other color —and all the other trivial incidents they could thmk of to keep up the ■pirits of the eouneila and iha club and the ariuy by the Grace of God (administer«d by proxy by J. L. Steven«) ruling the destiniesof the Hawaiian land and people. And in that short period of time to be told that it doe«n’t matter if we have to wait thre« yean for annexation, &nd that nothing haa been done yet bv the U. S. governmenl to deny or conflrm the late Administration’s poltcy. Do these «aperlative braio-Iacking scribblen imagine that everybody haa aa «hort a memory &s their inspirers and rnlera have «howa to poeMM? If so they m» rastly mistaken. Let them Uke a pUhi*~ eiU of even thoee whoee unm,
fraudu!entiy or otherwise. are found on ihe rolls of the anneiation c!ub. I; is a bet of a Puuka- ! pu homertead to a government i nfle that the majority will say: To h with anneialion, give U5 the oid peaee and i»ogperity we enjoyed u:.der ihe monarchy. We have beeu misled aud for mocths have ruined busines«, stopp«d work. iost money. caused mis-ry ail round. made enemie» — and all what for. To gratify the 1 desire «>f S. E. Bishop to eall the Queen an imtnoral healhen and to put the missionary Ref»rm gang onen more in power and to give W. O. Smith a ehanee of showing how niueh illiterate b:gotry and p-.rāecutiou he is eapahle ol perI>etrating. We are sick of it and we vote the olher way. t