Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 24, 10 Iune 1893 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
HA WAII HOLOMUA. Issued DaUy and Weekly in Hawaiian and English. The Leading journal of the day, aa it fearlesslv and fair y di8casse8 all Political and Social Topice with a view to the progres8 and independence of Hawaii nei. OrncK —Brenig Block npstaira For sale at the HAWAIIAN NEWSCO NUTICE. LOST ONE Certificate of shares in the Pioneer Buildmg and Loan Association numbered 122 to Joeepb Aea dated 7ih July, 1890. for 6 ehares. The finder will be rewarded on returmng to this Office, If it is net returued then a New Certificate will be isaued and tbe former certificate hereby advertised is made of no avail and all person8 are hereby cauttoned agaiust negotiating it. 532-2wkd J. Aea. 7mg Eam Pm| fAPA.lTA.l Helu 81 Alanui Maunakea. KAUKA LOEA O EA AJSA FŪJr ma’l, eaal ko na kau na keiki liliii. O aa oa mal« pili asa i k I kaola. O mmI P« » oka a