Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 232, 30 May 1893 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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N()TICE. LOST ONE Certilicate of ?hares in the Pioneer Building and Loan Association numbered 122 to Joseuh Aea dated 7lh July, 1890, for 5 phares. The finder will be rewarded ■ on returnmg to this Oliiee, If it is not returned then a New Certificate will be issned and the former certificate hereby advertised is raade of no avail and all persons are hereby cautloned against negotiating it. 532-2 wkd J. Aea. HA WAII HOLOMUA. Issued Daily aad Weekly in Hawaiian and English. The Leadine jonrnal of the day, as it fearlesalv and fair y diacus9es all Political and Social Topica with a view to the progresa and indei>endence of Hawaii nei. OrncE —Brenig Block upstairs For aale at the H AWAlIAN' NEWSCO UOOLAHA. E hele mal oukou e n» makamilea ■ e Ikema ka i ka haaa noeau o ka hoomakaukau la ana o aa Kikalika, ma ka haie o s. KCBEY. Uelu 130 Alanni Paou. He Elima (5) kenela waie uo o ke ope a milaila no hoi e loaa alnaKika elna EkahL E īoaa no na Kikallka no na Lede maka onaona. a o keia ka paka ono !o«. O na Kika helu Ekahl no ka Elima Keneia ma keia Aupuni. Kuai llllii a m« ke kuai kukaa, eia uo ma keia Hale. KOMO LIMA HAULE. Ua hanle he komo lima me ka hoailona oka hoailona Pu ua haale ma ka Poalaa. hora 10. mawaena oke alanai Moiw&hine a ae ke alanai Moi, ma ke alanai e pii ana o ke a anni Naaana. §JT 0 ka mea e loaa ana a hoihoi mai ma keia Keeoa, e loaa no ka makana. HAULE. M* ka Poaono nei, mawaena o ke Kula Kamehamehaa me Kamaki Kaea, lle Wati Gola o na wahine me ke kaula, me ka inoa oka ona ma ka aoao mahope ona wati ta. E hoihoi mal ma Ikeia Keena, a e loaa no ka okn maiWi. -Uai-mei 3.