Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 232, 30 May 1893 — Untitled [ARTICLE]

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Mr. W. C. Wilder has heen appointed vice President of the Provvisional Government instead of Mr. Damon. We thought that a Hawaiian was to have tbat position but evidentiy the powers that be did not consider it advisable to push one of their native supporters forward to such an important poāiliou. If Mr. Kalua or Mr. Josepa really had been appointed to a membership in the eouneila we believe that either Dole, Damon, or Smith wou!d hi»ve had the eheek lo face that portion of thecomraunity, who knows the qualiliea of the gentlemen mentioned as well as do the three high muekamueka who rule the coantry. We guess the Hawaiiane and the Portu-

guese will have to be satisfied with promises —seats in the eouneiiā thev will never g?t. * Farewell! Farewell!! Fareweli!!! The time has eome (and gone again) for the brave heroes of the P. G. to show their Alohn for ihe Hawaiian (after being prompted by Unele Sam) and still no Hawaiian holds a seat iu the eighteen. Ven : ce had its infaraous euuneil of ten, France, in ihe rev<>lution, had its secret Directory. Rnssia under Catherine, had its Black Chamber, bul where in the wide world either in pasl history or present facts do we find a parallel to the present state of government in Hawaii. ' Where on earth do we find men (swor.i as citizens) after\vards claiming to be of an alien race, and by that reason arrogating to themselves the government of another race and country. And yet the Advertiser qan say with aolemn and absolute assurance that “as occasion offers ” the Hawaiian will receive a seat in the Counc;ls whieh govern his nation. Out on ye, Ye Hypocrites. What j man is there amongst you whīle his childreu ask bread, will otter a stone? Or, who amongst you when tisn is craved. will pr<>duce a serpent? Helf peln! \e un- 1 worthy alleged disciples of nim who brought peaee and assurance of a future state into the world. Let the sails of lead and the hull of brass convey you to your certain destruction ( Vide Talmage).