Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 222, 16 Mei 1893 — CORRESPONDENCE. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


(]Ve do not hold our9ehes sible for the utterances of our correspondent9.j Editor Holomua, The Hon. J. Mareden, Commiipioner, to Waahington aud nuw Commissioner of Agriculture and Forestry etc., has alreadv maūu himueH famous and prov«d a beuefactor tohii adopted cuuntry in so far as he was the mean»ofexterminnting the Kodenl8 from ti.a eane fields, hia laleal discovery a wash (eutire»y his own idea) that is guaranteed to kill ihe foruu8 “Cottouy Cushion aeile on coffee and orange tre«9, lhere remaina but one discovery fur h:m to make and then his name wiu g-> down to PoBterity, with th»t of Saiut Palrick, vizA wash thal will exl»-rininaw aud Eliminate a.l Britisbera and w hite tra?h ir.uu Comraunity. — Ladyhiri.