Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 220, 11 Mei 1893 — Untitled [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Tlie Be!ec arrived frooi San Francifct)en r‘>ute l«»r \<>kohama tt noc>n and bnnght a mail. There are no further developoieut? relating to Hawaiian affaire. The Chroniele and Kxaminer cnrreBpond ents have bad t<> draw etrongly on their imagmation« to find 90methmg t<> fill the:r prescrilied epaee with. The first mraed paper tells U9 that tr.<-re have heen emie eon-eid--rati >n given to a piant >deci«re m.»rtial law and c<>:<fi9cate every dollar that Claus S|>reckele owne in the c>uutrv, whieh 8eems t<> indic >le tiiat the f<>nnerly so highly praised ch:inoter of the P. 8. must have been soraewbat loweredinthe mind of the corre3pondent. Ano ther plan ferreted out by the Chroniele is t<> get the Queen to abdicate formally f<>r 120.000 a year and so 9ettle all d fficulties. The a99<>ciated Pre*e corre8pondent has fabricated an interview with Clau9 Fpre»-kel9 and the Exarainer man hae finally married Ccmmi99ioner Blount’s Mr. Milla, to a young Hawaiian s ciety lady. The truth of the Iast statement ie. thouc . doubted #>mewhat by the ingenioue reporter who admit9 that the 9ecretary hardly has had tirne to attend to “dome8tic matters” pinee his arrival. We hear so mueh about the alleged c>rruptio» whieh it is said was ihe pr>mineut feature in the administrations under the monarchy. We hear daily frora the jien of the 9o-c.»lled Rev. Sereno Hishop a plaintive howl againet the baneful inōuenee of the native 9> rcerers, faith-curers and kahunaa. Accu8ations (never pr»*ven) »gainst tbe poliee department uiider the old regime, was the order <>f the dav in the oolutnns of the annex-t-tior. org<n. Stricken with h<<rr<>r and indignation the ref<»rm party. fnll ..f m<>r.»l pretensions, har»ngued*the j <>lice f<>r neglect <>fdutv, c> nnivance in crime, briberv. aud emu l'on. while the Custom ||)iiit»e • llieiale received their share <>f> buse :>nd were j*ainted *qually b ek, ai d etaim>--d as thieves and r> g<<*9 < t the deepest »lye. dhe c*ne f.<r >1 these evi!s, we are e»ngt mt v inf<>rmed, is t<> be found s <ielv :>nd <>nly in annexat»<m. As s> •><ii s we heeome a part <<f ihe Uuu.d States. »8 8<»on es we ean e >II tneSl .r8 aud Stripes our tlag iheu a ii«t<morphoeie will take ph<ce <ud all e <rrupti>>n will dis»p"e>r. while all offices from the h«-:<<! f tue g <verument to the j>1m!ii ; • eeman ;».<d CUSton-8 officer, w ll h fil>ed m.Ui angels in hum.n sh,*p The diy < f Uie faith-curer »», »>• v> r. the lottery game8 will be 9 .i-pr 9S d, 8innggling will beeo *• i.yth eal «>ffense, and a n<-g ectfn }H»iice »>fficer a nonex g phenomenon. So we aie t .|o b\ lue Advetiser and by the 6t • r nd b? Screuo Bishop, and i . e i *»e refuse to believe these p r g i.9 of lruthand lmnor? But >• t e ii .ve 8»me unbeiievmg Tho- ... se-;.u«>ng us. Stiil some unaohpm e i< d ilawaiian will ask how it is ib. t ine government in Ihe United Sl.<l s h fl uot adopted the angelic a <ahieh he 18 ied to *urmi9e it is aB.ri.<g under. He will piek ... . ..y <«f the gre*t dailies whieh -rv r ved every moruiug t« the n«.<r«l.y superior American people ff.-d «iut «U1 he fiud. £chos, * e froui the Advertiser, the Si r. «t.d Sereno Bishop I Accusa1.0..8. Aueen »nd eomplainu again*t

po!ice-officers for negiect and corruption, againet cuslom house | officers f<»r 9mugglmg and against j g*rcerer9and kahunae who deceive I 9 nd defraud the eimple Ameneana. He wiil r*-ad the following four I couflec:itive edit<»rial paragraph« > in De Sai> Francisco Dai!y Chroniele of April 21at and then he will lay bick muaingly and w> nder, if thc Adverti9er, the Star. and St-rtno Bishop for onee should bc mifltaken and that the promi8td miilennium after all. is not to b« found under īhe Stars and Stripea, and that American polieemen, customs officers. and kahunasare very mueh built on the 9ame plan and i in the 9ame image as their brothers ! and co!leagu»-s in Hawaii nei. I Thii is what he reads in the edit<>r ial eolumn of the Chronicle: “II giv*9 the newspaper mder ‘•that tired feeling” to learn that the law offieers at Vi9alia onee m>>re allowed the bandits. Sontag and Ev;ins. to slip through their fingers. \Vith the end of winter these fellows will now betake themselves to other lands for it is scarcely credible that they will run the risk of another man hunt in the mountains this summer.” “The way smuggling is carritd on in San Francisco was neatly illustrated yesterday by the arrest of Custom Insoector Thomas A. D<)nglass. According to the evidence Douglass used his poailion in order to help those on the 9teamer China who desired to land good Ho< gkong opium without paying any toll to Unele Sam. The investigation of this ca9e ought to yield 8om p goud re8iilt8 whether or nnt it eiids in the conviction of the accused officer.” Maria \Voodworth, the female evangelist who 8>>me yeare ago created a great deal of senation in Oakland. is again demonstrating the truth <>f the Latin m «xim that people want to be deceived. She is holding f<>rth in St uouia and making c-mverts ;«re rapidly as ever. She claims t<> have performed s«ine marvelous cure9, atid on tbis sc«re she may be right. for mind d<»es <<ften contr»l matter. but none the less is she the aame charlatan and fraud that she was here m California, and withal a 9lire\vd, scheming, dang‘*r >us woman.” “The poliee auth >rities of San Francisco are uiiderg»ing at the pres<‘nt tuue one of lh<»9e apaemodic attacks (»f virt«ie whieh make their appeannee only too infrequently. They are raiding tbe rooms and deiis >>f the vendors of lottery tickets. am-sting the 9ellere a.id confi9cating their sh*ck in trade. Thts is all right, for the law directs : t. but it would be interesting to know how «uany of the <»fficers have at Ieast one eoupon m 8>>tne lott«ry or other snugly stowed away in an inside pocket. The law may f>rbid lotlenes. but it haa never yet aucceeded īn suppre89ing them.” And when the uosophi8ticated i Hawaiian haa read bis American paper *nd deducted nome peculiar ■ but correct fact8 «r«lating to th« morai o»ndit«on of officialdom ; in the great Republic he will begin i to draw some compari8one between i that great country and bis owa i lately 90 abused Islands. And a* , a reeult of theee eompwneone, ee a 1 reeult of hie careful thinking and after deliberately «eighing all the ; pro» and cont iu hie menUi aeale

he will find that Hawar. aa *n in- | dependent conntry under a Hawaiian monarchy ean bear eompanaon with «ny counlrv in the wor!d and in most i>*iints eoiuw out on top. He will tind that the taxe* pa:d are lighter than anywiiere eiae. That the reveuu»-e of the country in proportion t > the size and population are larger than in rn«a«t other countries. That the educatīonal evstem has rpsulted in the ab'litv of everv citiren to writeand read, a fact never accoraplished in auy other nalion. That the criminal stHt:st:os sh*'W a very emall amount of serious offenses and that the misdemeanors as a whole prove that the popuiation is a order!y and peacef il pe-'ple, in spite of the niix»*d r:ices and the numenu# low and semi b,irb iri m co<>lie lab 'rera. That tiie c.iuntry ean boast of n.j uoor bousee or work houses and that the government in no plaee is called on to take care of its p«.)or. That “the peopleT ean sleep with open doors” from one end of the country to the other and that an oeeaeional and atray polieeman is enough to protect the elumber of the cilizens That roads and wharvea and bridgea and harbora are in excelleiU conditions and suffioient for all demands. That the main dty ean boaet of an excellent tramway 8y8tem, an incomparable telephone net. and a first-clasa fire department water supply, and electric l'ght plant. That thecivil and criminal courts are weil adminiBtered to Ihe confidenc« and eatiefaction of all-Hawaiiana and foreigners alike, and that Iawsuits are just sufiicient frequent to allow the lawyers, who get most of them up. to enjoy a comfortable living. Tbat in spite of the natural growling of the “outs ’ the ‘‘ine have always managed affairs decently, and thal no flagrati:scandal has ever any administration. That the paople have pro«pered from the pennylees adventurer who landed here to the poor kanaka in his taro patch beyond the wildtst imagination and that tue whoie lot of them ought to be heartily aahamed of tiiemselves for gettmg disc*»uraged and de»pairing at the first sign of a crisis or a finaneial setback. and for offering to 8i-ll out the wiiole 8liebang iii8tead of bravely figbtmg the pn»phe8ied 8even ltan years. And when our Hawaiian philo§opher has lhought ita!l over he wil! smile with satiefaction in tlie rememfarance of wh.it his country heeame under ita Kings and Qaeen and ihen he will 8ign the list of the Patri<itic League aiul eall 011 commis3ioner Blount to tell hun what Hawaii was. aud is, aud ask him why it should not be allowed to be restored to the gtatus quo ante. We h ive frequently up to date I had oeeaeion t*» refer to the patent medicine wrapper whieh the marine-hf>spital-famous Jons Saii- ! v atu> McGbew bas the infamy of editine-in-chief wilh the rank of p-iymaster. B..t as things go. the sheet of Tuesday takes the eake. I we mean the salts. for pure and unadulterated gall—by the way we omld not truthfully apply lbose ; epitbets to ihe compounded drngs of tbe self-benevolent medico. We seem u» at !ast have convinced the British republic-making renegnde who endeavors to eoneeal bis iguorance of all things journalistic bv pubtisbing bis name across tbe SUr’e columns tbat it is tbe f«ct lhat Minister Extraordiuary Stevens concocted, connabiated, and carried out ihe late revolution in order to give some one (uauM unknown probabiy Jobn Doe) “a surprisa

party before leaving the ;s - .ands ' He now wants us lo prove this to the »atisfaction *fthe Umted St»t>s Governnie:.t and ita Commis»ioner. Poor dear! L:se hia medicine he is rather sttie and emascalated. W'e proved. *-o the s*lisfHClion of all who des.re but the truth. alre.»dy that tne wh '.e busi’aess ir n from the tacl t:iat a trw d:sgruutled, out-of d ite, a:ul ua;ucky politicians were used as lheloolaof an ambitions seeaing f*r-w.»rld-fame. “bac>lic," allegedly-?-*nile-and-idiotic diplomat trying to c.»rrv uut an absoluteiy auti Amer-iean—in-eentiment—and— >rtgin p*»licy of Impenal Jingoism. We do not r»-quire t > prov« anythu.g j furlhtr. Facts are there. Ther eauuul be disproved and the St.ir wiih its drug-comp.»unding Juota siiuplj confrsses Judgment. And n. w comes liie Star the P. G. j organ by its all iroey-&t-liea, Smith differentiated as a McGrewson e substratum. and admits thal the case of the piainltff —tiie Hawaiian people —bef.ire the b.ir «*t the court of the justice and right feeling of tb« American people is founded in nght aml Justice. and ought thereunto to be granted its petition as o right, bnt demand that the said , pln.it.tifT did not, in f»rm and manner as required by the said St ir (of obscurity and ill"gical idiocy). protest lhat these things were done contrary to tfae international right | of landing tro»ps to protect life tnd proi»erty when nothi.ig of the kind was in d»nger. and that tberofore the said plaintiff —the Hawaiian Sovereign on behaif of her people —should be denied that right, justice and equity whieh are the only h«*i>e of the feeble and p<»werle83 nation agamst tne sp<>liating hand of the usurping robber. Go to ' Star of ealomel. You have done n.ore dani:ige, by your brav id<» inspired f..lpeb<H)d3 and ranc<»rou9ly apiteful ei>ithet8 and ineinualiona, to the cause whieh you were called into being y\_o tfae detriment <>f pants poekele» t > 9up|H»rt and b lster up. Tell the truth 1 (y»u can’t ahame the devil your chief supporter) but you might iH>ssib;y take aw,iy s.>me of ihe reas«>ii9 f r his existeiffe, und you certamly woukl ju8t;fy your *»wn. Y«>u have with V'»ur uanal iaek ofed t.>nal 9ui>erviflioii and with your neual ill«>gicai construction *>t idiotio and c*lomel-iii9pired ealumiiioue editoriala omilted to noliee thnt in <»i.c eoiumn yuu want pr •>>f that Ihe U. S. f.>rce8 were Ianded lo assist the rev.>lulion and not m the ass>-rlion of that eimple and sacred internation«l right of Unduig tr.»ps t«> pn>tect life and property (heeanne the K«*yal Hand was giving an open-air-concert) aiui in ihe next jou (<»r : eome other medica!Iy-inepired im- | becile. wanl an inscrib>’d tablet, »r a bust, or an elev ilion, or a r >ad. ' or a 8treet, for the late!y deceased Caotam «>f the B->st>n f»r the ■ §ervices whieh you eiaim be rend- ■ ereti allbough you have st»eiit near ly « eolumn in asiing for proof that he did render tboee »ervice« : to tbe P. G. and mini9ter Stevens. God knows wheiVr you or he require Punehhowl Hill «8 a monument m»#t. or whether a bu9t (perpetuat) wouldn’l auit you better. G-r-a-«-a-h G’long ! Yeu in»pired imheeile you are not worth arguing with. Mr. Emm«lutb anpeare now as the manager of a newspaper ealled the Daily Kuokt*a. He is also the Auditor of, and a et»ckhoider in a news-paper called the Star. He

hii niAile hin)sc’f •p*ci»lly not#d latelv bv usinc hi? offici*l t-*;ti n as » mctnb<r t»f tho AdTist»ry l * iu» eil to per»ecut* and attemvt t > ol*?truct our {>at'er, *hieh of c*»ur9e is bt»ing pubtisbed in opooeilion to the two ;*peri—more cepecia!ly the Kuoki>*—in whieh he ;s ;nter-eeu-d. I? th:s to be taken »n ex.im(»le of the sen»e of f*ir l>l»v tnd ju«tioe of the provi?ion*I «>▼• ernment ? There is a rnlegovernii>g »11 legslj*tive whieh dei»rivee a member frona the right of v» ting in aoy bill in whieh he is Unanci*lly intereste»), If thatruleis not to be obherved in the j>roseutgv>vern* ment there will be nothing to prevent every connoi!Ior fr-»m inln>ducing and passing bills whieh will prevent ail CvMi>i>etiti“n in their priv*te businees be il •* »apmakei>. tin-smiths, newspaperowners, I*wyer» or auctioneers. lf eueh method is t» be followwl in one insunce wh*t i» lhere t»> {-revent it from being followid all round. Ttiat Mr. Emmelulh ahould have had the decenoy hmiseif to refrain iri»m ihe «ttitude •dopted by him could of c»uirse , n»»t l>e exj>ectrd. The t»o-pol whieh he use» for a brsun-b<>x has never heen sh»>wn to be c>>nstrncted thusly ! The public will however now unden>t*nd the real reasou for Mr. Emmeluth's desire to h*ve a short sct t» deal wilh tiie Uoloui'a only. Competition ruiiis busines9 in the miuds of CaH8itendian imheeilea »f w*ter epouters.