Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 207, 24 April 1893 — THE FLAG IS THERE T[Illegible] STAY. [ARTICLE]
The epeeial corrt9puuderit of th« San Frauci9c*> Ezamimcr at Honoluln b*9 ī*ent to hi» newspap«r the report of an interview with Miniatei Stev*rns, in whieh the i*fhcul repre9entative of the Umted SUte« declares that the statemeot that he had betn ordered to Uke duwn the Amenean in the Hawaiian eapiul ia withoot fnundation. ••Under my inatruction9.” »aid Mr. Stevena, “ahouid ihe memhen of tbe Rrovisional Government and • the American citizen9 jointly aak tbat the Stars and Stripea be . Uken Uowu aueh aeiiou wouid follo« but aueh a courae ia an im- • poaaibility.” He added witb em- ■ nhaaia: ‘-The flag ia up to aUy.” > Rightyoo are, Hoeea!