Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 200, 13 ʻApelila 1893 — CORRESPONDENCE. [ARTICLE]
( H V dn n<>( h‘dd o«w/r« mponnbU for Httfritnc<’* of our c. rr espondenU.) Edit«>r HoI.OMI A. Kind!y allow me si>ac« to make u augge9tion to you and to other member« of vour party whieh have the just eauae of Hawaii al heart. You fre<juently uae the term "iniaaionanea" to descnbe the aupportera of the Provi9ional G >vernment, and, although the w >rd haa heeome commnnly used here aa a ■ynonym f>r a cerlain p<>litical parly it will not be »> understnod abroad. Iam a true royalist, but I am al».» a "mi*8i>»narv” aē far a» the tirm i? appiieuhle to th« christian teacher» (wh>> eame here and undeniably have done good work) and their dsecendaiit9. The word as used by you j »rs uii my feelinge, and I am confident that, frefjuenl!y. when you eimply have a polUieal p»arty in your mind when you “go f>>r them.” ubn»id it might very ea»ily be construed iuto allaeka on the preachers of the g.».pel, and ihe mi99tonarie? a* •ueh. and ihe result will be harm rather ihan benefit to our eauae. If the annexationiet9 ean get a ehanee to {H>9e aa *‘missionarie9” persecute<l hy "healhen" Hawaiiane and wicked foreignere. and plaee them9eive9 on a o>.ling sirnilar to Ihe American mie? oiiariee in China and Japan. they will gain larg» eympathy in tbe United State# whieh they otherw:ee w«>uld have no elaim to, a eymptthy whieh might be a weighty weapon m their f.tvor to further annex.ition plan9. Let U9 drop ;he word miasionarv as a poIitic.il tenn. In the large and 9elect dicti>>nary wiiieh I judge, from your paper, rauet be at your di9po9;il, I ara sure that you ean find s»me term mueh more auitable f<*r thein, and without any chanceof being mi9imder9tood. Hoping that you wi!l c>ti9i>ler my suggestion in the -mie friendly gpirit M9 I make it I ? : gn my-eif. Hi99IONARY RoYALI»T.