Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 192, 3 ʻApelila 1893 — CORRESPONDENOE. [ARTICLE]
■ We d» n<>( he/'.l o*i r ,»ir' ' re*poniihle for the ut(e f -uni~es <\f our c <rre*p >ndent».) ToThk fc'i»iTOR of The Hou»mi*a; I\*ar 6ir: Will vou kindly pub!ish this article ? The Committee «>f ladies fr>>m i the Hatriotic A?e>x*iation leani liiaī ihe Bign’fic:ince ot their acti>>n in carryii\g American fl;iiis t»gether with the 11 twaiian en?ign at the reception of the U. S. Cotnmissioner is n»t under?t>»>d by all. It was an act >>f c>>urtesy to the representative of a friendly power. To oniit it wouhl be a laek of g>>od manners. The American people are our friends; they d>> not have any designs upen our independence; the present cri«is is the w>>rk of a few selfish men on these islands, and America ean not be blamed for their aelion. H. C. Caktek.