Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 187, 25 Malaki 1893 Edition 02 — CORRESPONDENOE. [ARTICLE]
' We d“ not h“ld onr rr»pon~ *ibU for th<’ vttrramtes <\f ov corre*p<>ndrnt*.) Epitdr Holompa: I have carefully read the «peeches delivered at the ann<x.ition ciub in the Advertiser < f M;<r. 22, whieh b<)ilt-d down and skimoied. nothing reri! iin? but a lot of eollapsed wind big, except j.*erhajis the speeeh of Mr, Hart\vell, with one or two eiceptions. He says : “The news from \V iShington tomorrow will induce a large number of peviple to get down from the fence on the one side or the other." 'Just so. but Mr. Hartweil ean re«t assured that those who are ou the fence will never jump on the side of Thurston. Castle * Co.. who w<)u'd barter *way the country at any pnee. How will it appear in ihe eyes of those coramissioners when they arrive, to find tliat the Queen wou!d have been in power to receive them, if it had not been for the inter-uieddling of Unele Sam’s Minister Stevens ? Candidly asiīing, is not Unele Siin‘s honor at stake in this bnsiness ? The way things look to the simplerainded, like myselffor instance, is this; Unele Sam eannol with honor treat with this country on the subject of annexation, without first restoring ihe governraent back upon the same honorable basis as Minister Stevens found it. “Let justice be done though th»'heavens fall.” What is sauce for the goose. ought to be sance for the gander. When Mr. Hartw ell says: “The recent movement wns no conspiracy etc.” I believe him to be mistaken. I believe those eonspiracy eggs were under the hen and hatching for the last year; and it will be a hard matter for Mr. Hartwell to convince the people to the contrarv. Is it possible that Mr. \Vilder’s putfrd up vanity, could lead him to believe the following language used by him ? “He believed to-morrow’s steamer would briug news of the r»tification of the treaty.” (Cheers). Next day (Weeping). I’trson 01eson’s speech no doubt was borrowed every word of it. frora speeches of fir b-tter men than hiraseif. As f.r the using of gnns by Mr. Emmelulh; if it had not been for the forces of Unele Sam on the I7th of -Jan., that gentleman would have been found squeezed into one of hi« twelve quart tin buckete with the cover on for safety. In fact thev were all mighty brave men on that dav. under the protecting wing of Unele Sam; and their brave deeds will be handed down to p«>sterity and lheir glorv remembered f«>r all tirae, by a six-inch leather monumenl. 0B9EBVER. Editob Holomua: Honolulu isjustnow. in addition to being a afii:cted with a Provisional Government sapjx>rted by a gang of mercenary othce-grab-bers of mixed nationalitie? and antecedenls, aiso infiicted with a p!ethora of newspaj>er correspondenU, professional and amateur. It ie of one of the first of these I propoee to speak. Ue bears the eelebrated and unueual name of Smith whieh he differentiates from others of the family by tbe prefix of alter G. This ghoulish garbagepicker in human shape whoee
i chief associates are Sanfcrd B. : Do!e and C. A. Br->wn of unpaid tax<-s* bribe-otfering. and hu giving notoriety. h;is. in deūa:t ef finding anything else -ensational to tickle the prurient e,-.rs and gratify the bestial palatw of ihe Iowest Californian scum who may resd the paper with whieh he I corresp>>nds. been dishing up the most unspeakab!v filthy lies .ii*>ut ! the Queen and liie Royal Familv and incidentally the whole Hawaiian race. Where he has g»thert“d his aboroinab!e mendacity i from may be easi!y seen by the 1 praise whieh he l>-*stow- on the * m'T!i!itv (?) of the members of | * 1 the Central Union Church. and Uie ! r<--t "f tne missi"inn£ p irty wh >, j apparently, like this same differ- ; eotiated Smith, ar» so aalaeioaa m I mind and b«'dv that they have to tickle their j aded min is and worn-out b"dies. when notengaged in prayer aiul praise, bv manufaotI uring and retailin» the most beast!y and j>rurient lies that it has ever been my misfortune to have had to wade through in j>rint. Aii is told too in that half insinuatory half direct m-xle of lying whieh, when dissectt*d, shows the deliberately immor.il and wilfully mendacious nature-of thebrutes in human guise whothu3endeav'>rt‘>besmirch, andbefoul thechar icter of a woman, in Ir.stingdisgrace to the meraory of the mothers who bore thera, the , wives whohaveelu*rishe»I ( ?) them, aiul the sisters, and danghters wh > have grown up around them. And tothelasting shame <>f manhood, j
be it «i.l. that these vi!e vampir». Buffering from salacious and 9utyrk' inugiQitioo, and hal.ueinalion-. elaun t» l v ' men —*ud, *b«'ve all, ohristian meu. Who t"» hide their evil and mrrcenary treacherv, and rebe!li«*n have f >ully sUndered.witboat a *. intilla of truthful eaaae. a C''n«i?tent and faithful member of their own church who h»9 the mnf<'rtune to be U*th a woman, and their - _■ . Bi Hawa ladu> aiui gentlemen will have seriou9 reaaon t > pauso i v, f>re «h‘'wing h''9f>itality to foreign stranger> wh »thereafter m »y retnrn their gener»'aity, like thi> >l:ffer»*ntiated human gn»ul, bv manufacturing hi> lubriciou> im»gning-> into f»ul slanders of thernselvee and their country«romen. Thia literarv scavenger, I undersland, br<»oght letler> of intro»luctlon, m» doubt obtaineil uiuler a t*>tal misapt)rehension, b>th <»{ his literary and monl naturo. from ll-»llin M. I>.)ggett. ihe stanch friend of the K >yal Family who no doubt when he re:uls the nonaeneieal aiul mendacious garbage -»> i.idustrious!y collected and tiltere«i thr»ugh thatSmith’> ap>»togy f>r » brain will regret that he ever c»U5ed his friendly memory t» b>* sullied >vith the impure lubrioity of a vilifying Smith. Homo.