Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 182, 18 Malaki 1893 Edition 02 — CORRESPONDENCE. [ARTICLE]
(We do not hold onr selves respon~ sible for the utterances of our rorrespondents.) • ■ • • • ‘ PUOR WHITE TRASH.” The Editor of the Morning Lyre is true to the Missionary «»ligarchic instinct of his breeding. In an editorial in tbis morning's issue he levels his little dirt squirt at the honest independent while men who bave at times dared to stand side by side with the Hawuiian on a platform, and speaks of them &s “poor white trash.” The gilded hypocrites, whose ancestors eame here on the penny contributions of the New England charity box, are to-day a 8olid purse-proud Monopolistic 01igarchr: who, being conscious of not deserving aaythiug good being said of them, have nothing beiter tban the veuom of the slave dealer, and the squibs of a degenerate g ing of usurers and stock-gunbier3. of whieh the Missionary descendant« is oompoeed—to thr»»w at tbe honeal white middle—claes of Honolulu. It waa ever thua. Tbe Phanaee in Chriat’s lime a*id: He preached aedition and had a devii. T»-day, the hide-b>und hyp»cnte—whoee whoie existence, from the cuat of hia feeding bottleto hia Heidelberg un»versity pahuium, haa heen sqnMMd bv Uickerr. aad all tne cuoniog ofacieolific u«ury, out of tbe oative people—haa nolhing left for the oalioo whieh haa ouned him, • but the «neer of a auper«ilioua «ooh. •'WhUe traab I” Anyone who «aw ihe Advertiser man, io hia
r fOD »d«1 h» gogfle9. will a<trer y fontet the »ample, and now, poor e fel!ow. his Annexition theory ia in n a bad condition. AIh?! it i? ror torned to h:m badly kicsed acd - bdtlered, and the re?toration, and C the ’j>.o ants ht i*tsm l 'Uum, | i lo>oi> betore him liko B.inquo's ’ e Gh >t. and ihe iaevitable hiennial i eiection of Februarv next dieturbe * • i him. and he’ll have t > face the i masic of the ‘ white traeh” iu the 1 j n- b!e vote, and he won’l dare to > jgo on a platf >rm. and he'll have 1 to t.ike his medicine, and even the voice ofthe Hamiel of tne I*. G., - >ftying “Rest perturbed <pirit," 1 don't c >mfort him. f>r the sbadow |ie that of the Inevitable. And the i | “white tr.nsh” wi!l be there. i j Phkxix. i Feb. 16th. I
He 110 ka uku makana ke loaa ka luina mahuka h >okahi o na moku okohola e kalewa mai nei mawaho o kuanalu o kakuu. Nui ka ua, ka hekili a me ka uwila ma Kauai i ka po Poaha nei, a wahi a na sela o ka Iwalam, na ike lakou i kekahi mau popiahi kamahao e kau ana iluna o ke kiamua no kekahi mau hora loihi elua, he mea hoi i iKe mua ole ia pela i na wa e ae i hala.