Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 177, 11 March 1893 Edition 02 — NO USE FOR IT. [ARTICLE]
Senat >r Morgan’a apeeeh on Wednesday failed to ahow any go<>d reason for ratifying the haety treaty made by the Adioitu8tra> tion with the representativea of a paltry minority ol adopted citizenB of Hawaii. He acknowledges that the present provisional Guvernment is un»table. It hns no sure foundation in the approbation of the majority of the people. It ia tbe product of an insvirrection 8upuorted by a United Statee military f-»rce summoned to participation by ajing-> diplomat whoae pride was inter-est--d to secure the fulfilment of bie own predictions. The provisional Government is not fairiy repreaentative. lt has no pr-»per nghts in the uremiees. It 18 siiuply a*conspiracy of advenlurers, mostIy foreignere, to sell oul the nutives for their own gain. Ifthey had any substantial right or pow*r to g->vern they wuuhl n*>t be eo anxious to shelter themselves under the a?gis of the United State«. They are trembling Iest they may be called to aeeounl. Fifly million doilars’ worth of j Amenoan property is at stake t says tlie Senator. Prob »b!y this is an exaggeratiou. bot whether it is or uot. that property ia representHtive of speculations that were entered ujh)ii taking all the ehaneea of change of policy by the loeal govermuent. Its owners have no just api-eal to thia Goverument unless treaties atfecting their rights have been violated. Xothing of tbis kind is alleged. Tuis Government has given no guarantee to tbeie 8ueculators whieh entit!es ihem to c«l! iiiK> i us to establish the revolution they have uud-Ttaken. We may sympathiz j with them if they lose their mouey, but we are under no obligition to overturn a f >reigu *nd independent government on their acc»unt and bring them under the protection of our lawa. The Senator appears to have avoided discusaion «>f the subject in its rei:ttions to the long-*ettied pol«cy of ihe Unite«.i States with reg.ini t«» the aoquisitH>n of d-stant foreigu territory, and t> have fougnt st«y of the matt t t>f absorbing alieu r «ces and obnoxious iudustrial aystems. He seems conscious of the great weakness and inadequacy uf the treaty »«*nt to the Senate. It c->mes far sh -rt of providing. aa e .eh * treftty o- ghl to d-». f*r ihe numer>(is difficult conditions whieh «re pr>minent featnree .-f tfae eaae. He expre8»es a fa>th t!«at theee ean be satief.>ctonIv arranged hereaūrr They ab«mld be c*mclua.Vfly arrai-ged beforehand. The prime purp<«e « f thia basty, hftlf-baked treaty is to o»mmit tbe oountry to ftunezattou before the ounaeq<ienceft ean be fully c»n•idered by tb* poople. 80 radic«l « devifttioa frum our bisturicfti po!icy ought not tn be eanctioned by the Sen«te prcepitftlelr.
Trie sirained relations of the day betweea the ?ca!pbur.ters on ona 3 ; de. aud the 5calpproprietors on the other have caused the Muses t) visit the Holomua rbymester again, he iias »uccumbed to the attaek to the foliowiug extent: Gl'NS V3. Soxs OF Gcxs. I wiil «inz to yoa a ?ong Ofs)iuething that went wnng Betwe-n ttuse earry ng guns and the P. G. How the foraier. it’s ?appoee>i. The a::ar have halidozed Into changing ail officiaIā froai A wav down to Z. Forthey held a eaneua big, Made t’ie Councils daace a j'g To the tuue o **.VIi the uffices we'U ‘*\Ve ! ro n* t great on the talk 6ut thos*- offic;si8 <■)! uust wa!k 0r we'il K’.ww the reason why, we wlll. "For you kn w that every oue I)id carry his Iittie gun \ot to turn the Government o’erto you, But to get bis little wiiaek At the governmental sack An l if not, We’ll make it hlue, ”Toa Councils ’ve got the fat — You’re pretty good at that— Whieh fact we think won’t be denied; Comn!ission, Cabinet,Steamboats, Marehal, Waterworks and Judge— You’il keep it up till eaeh of you ia satisfied ‘‘But Masonic iies and signs, And Knight of Pythian liuee, And relat;onships, dou’t work with ua at all, We're ihe oues that did the work— Now if o«r pay you shirk — You’ll wsh you ne’er had ope’d the ball. ‘‘Turn out that Willy Love — Morgan-Wilson are hand and glove— Ashley, Wilder, Melirten, allarequeer. Turn the Pohee force out, Give the Custoui House a roht. And inake one of us Cbief Engineer.” Then eame Red 6hirt J. We With his besotted brain Crj*ing ‘*To h with Wileon and hia gang; They never eame to me Wuh any work, you see, And uow for spite I’d like to ew’eia hang.” One Worthless Junior, he 8*ld “in Amerikee l'm toid this kind of thing would aever be But my feelings I wiM sm )ther, Give me a >mething or another, 80 it brings to ue a sal ree." fT»rry J sh >uted loud, “For me, I a a uot pr >ud. Sixty acr j s tnore or less wlll flll my bill But. for all that 1 h»ve d one In bringing oat my little gun, I must r.ve s -m>th ng, and I wih! “D. L. H ia my name, 8calp hunting ie :ny g»me, For my ee'f ani the sweet drot hundred You soareiy know th»t we Have put yoa whereyoo be. Though by it wbat we’ll «•* we’ve wondered/” Then McC tall an 1 bold, Cried, “ , 'arely, I’ve been sold! For I tho ght that my well —a>y work was dr>ne— But George Ashley, he Has ont gener»Med rae. Batn>wlT m»ke him cut and ran!” Then F. eaid, “Well, Tinpots are gone to li And Pineappl -e u ret I nare not got, With awf*l rage I born! Thoee b Kanikae out moet tarn! Let’s with lowestdatch repl»ce the lot.” Sa<d W ao stnog, “Yoa ean bet • Ohina jag, Or ei'.'.e» to make ■ holoka. 4e kanakaa don’t waat roe Whieh I ean plainly aee la thie ī’m golng to aide with yoa. “Look at my pr eee, iod my pviyen — Dad'a Oiha Rmlwiy iham, Aod hia many. iuij mortgafMOB laad, Aad the kinik— 1 ha*e ehot— Thay*or* i moet ugitihl h>4 ■ do l*tī aot nfM mr h«tpin« haad.”
Then Aleek Y «*id. l, Now, Foar handre«i Ctiinacaen. I ro*. I'd r»ther than one tme ?eotchman eee; Bat aa my enemiee are tboee— ■ A«d not one of lhem‘s Ohineee — To help to tarn them on: joa’U coant on me.’’ Sail =oapv S anto deep D “Oh mr orophetio eoal Why d ; d we now this horrid fix get ia— No !ong«r ean we play One f. ee tnrne«leach way. As t wvre. Satan reba'<.r.g h ; s own sia. “Lel’a cotnprornise onee more, An<l satisfy a s«-ore Of the hottest an i the hnngr:est ofthe lot; Then go romJ an ! say, If we got onr own way Not a man woul f have been moved a j>t.” Then Regulars an i Vo!nnteers Gave all of them three cheers, And eaia, “We knew we’d n.ake yoa eome to time; So to onr homea we’ll go, Give yon another ehow Till the lioLoneA poet pnts it all in* rhyme.” Now the moral of thie song, It isn’t very long, Abihty and Hon«sty’s no good— Just show a little gnn— And of what yon’ve done You’ll get a tine fat office—or yon •hould.