Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 11, 11 March 1893 — CORRESPONDENCE. [ARTICLE]

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(We do not hM onradves re»pon$Me for the utterance» o/our eorrupondent».) • Extm» Holomua; The man wbo ventnres tc eommeot on khe ■ctions of the P. O. an&vor»bl7 ie Heble|o erreatfar contempt, »nd wh«t they ra*y do to him. Qod «nd themee)yee on!y kiiow» Bat they remiod me of the old ftiteeer frotn Catever*s Coonty who o»me down «ad kx>k a room ia a flret ehn rooming houee m He left hia valiee «nd wenienk to eee the tōwn. Keturnwofrit