Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 176, 10 March 1893 — CORRESPNDENOE. [ARTICLE]
(H* ii ) not hol'i 0Hr.-)-7r - ? re*powfor thf uttfrincfi of our ■ corrftpouatnt$.) — Editor Holompa; The man who venturea tc eomment on ihe actions of the P. G. unfavorably is li»b!e lo arrt-st f»r conlempt. and what they iuay do to him. God and themselves only know. But they remind me of the old farmer from Calaveras County who eame down and took a room in a first class rooming houso in Frisco. He left his valise and went out to see the t»wn. Return- | ing at 9 p m., he walkeii inlo the open hail, carefully locke<i the door. put the key un«ler the iuat ani retired. C»nsequenlly lols of roomers were locked out. and the D—1 to pay. Next morning general inquiries for the culprtt and final!y Hayseed up and says, “Wal, I guess I warnt ag»mg to leave that door open f»r scalawags to eome up and worrit ine and them as dont like ray ways of purtecting their property ean just git up and git, and I ain't agoing to snffer from the likes of them." I almo§t believe that there are one or two hayseeds in the P. G. Bill.