Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 174, 8 March 1893 — DEDICATED TO SERENO & CO. [ARTICLE]

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(mthout th< permi*fion of the Oaklanei Tirmt.) Sing a *one <A anneuiioa ; A backet fall oi joy. A Iot of o»ked blAckbird9, ijuing huoihle poi. When tbe poi wm eaīen. The 'oinia beg»n to §;ng Wun’ī th» m cUmtj dish To «et before the nng* The Mtmiter wu hoiating h»g9 To serve h» pm«e eada; Th« Queen w*i off her throneiet Surroanded by her fnend*. Tbe heaīhen n*tire woadered If theae were aii hia woee, When along eame a minioaary And »tole Uie »cnnty eloīhee.