Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 174, 8 March 1893 — COSTITUTION OF THE HAWAIIAN CIVIL RIGHTS LEAGUE. [ARTICLE]
'sasI£. Article I. The name of this crganization «hall be the Hawaiiam Civil Rights League. OBJECT. Article 2. The object of ihe League sball be to promote, by all legal meana. a love of country and of free represenlalive Government; and to encourage and promote such action on the nan of ihe people of Hawaii, irre9pective of race, nationality, or pa*t political affiliations, aa will *erve to acquaint the
people of Ameiiea, anvl of the w ->r’d at Iarge. wilh ihe p.->Htical eon litioiis ar.d sentiment' here prevail- ; iug. to the end that illiberal or deepotic eehemee of (.«owmmenl may be imp u{)on »ur laiul by ar.y foreign P»w-r; aiuilo t>reeerve t» Hawaii in her future politicnl career, whether under the FIawaiian d»g or any »tber d-»g. & | eonlinuanee of the privilege of seif government suca .»•» ?he has enjoyevl during the Ia?t ha!f c©utury. OFFICER9Articlc 3. Tiie »theer9 of the League §hall c>»n«;-t of »ne Pn?sident, one Vice-President at i;irge. and one Vice-lV ?ident ea>'h f r the Ie!andā of Oahu; Maui. M >1»sai and Lanai; H »waii; a-i l Kauai anvl Niihan; one Secretary, >«r.e Treasiirer. one C «rre9p >n<ling cretary. and an Executive C>«mmittee. to c»nsĪ9t of thirleen (1») inembt-r9, a m;»j rity ofwhomshall reside o»i tiie laiaiul > f Oahu, and of whieh the Preeident of the League ehall be ez ■>rfirio a roember and Chairman. 81 BSIDIARY »RC. \MZATI»N. Article 4. There ahall l*e organire»l in the re9;H>v'tiv** Repreeentative Districts of the Ielands. Precinct Clul>s »f this League. t» be kuowii respectively as “Civil Righte Club of the Precinct District, lsland of . ..” c!ub ehall have ae > fficers a Chairro:in, ViceChairman aiul Secretary, and eueh other officere aa the club may. by its by-lawe, provide. MEMBERSHIP. Article 5. Member?hip in thie League shall l>e granted by v<>te of the mewbers j>reseut an any meeiing thereof. excej>t that tiie Delegatee of Civil Rights Clubs. oraanized hereunder, shall be ez offirio membere of the League. CI.CB MEMBER9H1P. Article 6. Any r>erson over the oge of twenty (20) yeare, who • hail sigu a j>l«dge t» abide by and promole the obj>-cts of this C>»ustitution. ehall be eligiblet > memb«;rehip in ihe Civil Righle Club of the Preoinct in whieh he nhail reeide. DCTtK8 OF OFFICER9. Akticlk 7. The dutiee of the officers of the Lengue sh »ll he eueh as usually pertain t>» su< h >>fficere in like organizationa. The Executive Committee ehall have full charge and direction of the aff.un» of the League. except as ihe •» ime ehall be directe>l or or>lered by the Le.»gue in any meeting thereof regularly calied and hoiden. PROCEDCBE. Abticle 8. The ueual rulee of j>arhameotary j>roCed>ire ehall be observed in all meetinge of the League and tbe Club« organi»ed lhereunder. VOTE3 AND MEET1NG8. Article 9. Eaeh n.ernber ofthe League ahall have oue v»te, and the Lengue ehall be caile<i : >gether by the Presidenl upon the written requeel of ten i 10) iuembere.