Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 174, 8 March 1893 — Untitled [ARTICLE]

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In the late Mr. C. N. Sj • ocer the Hawaiiana lose L.thf'’ , and upright friend whose i ' ' | Liiline Al<»h* for ev»ry n.<tive ehowed it-eifon all occa-or.«. Mr. Spencer durtng his l«ng residence in Hawaii fully iearned, and appreciated, the many good qualities inb»»rn in ihe llawaiiane; while the many Hawaiiana with whom he eame in contact recoguized, and loved, the sterliug and honest charact-r of the map whoee untimely death n<iw is recorded. To' the deeplj Btricken wid »w of j tbe deceas-tl we extend on behalf of the Hawaiiana a nioel sincera and sorr »wiug sympathy with ihe assurance that the memory of the never wnvering friendship between thera and her beloved butbaud will alwavs remain engraven ou ihe hearts of the Hawaiian people