Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 172, 4 March 1893 Edition 02 — CORRESPONDENCE. [ARTICLE]
( We do nnt hold ourselrf8 rfsponaihle for the utterances of our eorrespon dent».) '•A NEW ERA. ”
( W~nl(fn by a liavaiian.) Under the abAve eaplion Mr. George Markham, of Kalihi, ha# seen fit to air his (or somebody else‘s) vievrg on the “neir state of things” now existmg. and proc!aitning himself a ehampion of Ameriean annexation of these Islandi ; and of American greatnees. in whieh he has ulterlv failed to c »nvince evenone of his fellows. It is no surprise to a Hawaiian to find him in this mood. for atter being j put out of office, through h;s owu | unfitness and stupidity, we find him amongst the Wiicox revolutionigts of 13§9. and. after being shot (not k:.le<l) anJ lingering in “chokey" turnmg 6tate's evidence against VVilcox and the reatof his feilows. Hawaiians have no use for such a one, although he is the son of a native Hawaiiau mother and an Englishman. Tbe opioion of one who bas been a sp«ndthnft. a sot, and !astly, a spy for thusa who kicked and cuffed him, is not worthy of credence amongst any cla«s of the community, and is not to be accepted aa airing native sentituent. He is conaidered amongst
w his own people as a b!ack sheep, unworthy to be counte<i one am>>ngst them. He al > s h:t 1 mother «nd every ther Hawaiian woman when be abuse« his Queen. | and therof re. he is a renegade of the w rs; kin*i and of Ihe mssionary type. ai.d pr >pp».J by that b.*ther«k:te wi: i-bag. the m--sionary moulhpieee conducte<i by Cast!e. From tirst to la-t of Markhtm * ! views. ii seems to h.%ve bsen penr.cd '■■y a m;«sionary who h.is made a ' to<>i of him, probab!v. for a few "piee. -of -iiver" ai. 1 a i’>>lt!e cf i gin» fr he never in his l:fe could h ive ever c >nc> cteJ such an article out < f h:> emptv cranium w;th his : want of skill m Engiish. The !atter , half of the article s-ems t<> have been «lo'.en out ii s me 1> >k or >>ut of 6ome Encyclopedia, f r whieh h° has r.ot even tiie eonimuu Jecency to s;ve creJit to whom credit !is Jue. He has had the best ehaneea in the worlJ to make himself respecte«l a? a worthy son of his father anJ m 'ther. but Ias ignominiously failed. In writing the foregoing. it must not be laken that your corrasponJeot. Mr E litor, has in the least aeen tit to recognize the i . ® i vaponrings <>f a Jisea9eii minJ—one who is ever ready **t grasp at a ; straw" aml **9waIIow a gnat.’’—but has attempted to show t>> others that his (M.irkham’a) viewa are nut worthyofany oredence from thoge friendly, or otherwise, to Hawaii and ihe Hawaiiana. mueh lesa to the Hawaiiana, for he does not voice a truenative Hawaiian’a sentiments of loya!ty to his Sovereign, his country, his flag and his nationality. Iam still a Loyal Native.