Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 10, 4 March 1893 — CORESPONDENCE. [ARTICLE]

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(We do not \old <mr*het rf*pmrihUfor the uttermmca of «mr | cenre*pemd*nt».) A Davghtcb’s Lbttk* to Hm Mothkh ob a Gbeeti>o fbom Kawaiahao to the Ces* tkal U!aos. — 1 Editob Holomi a : It ia tince that tbe slure now , being aown lmJ«dcBst, far and | wide, and ereo at home here, by cerUin writere, mostly of the roresionary stamp, be returned to ihe eource from wheooe they eame. Tbeac mongre! writere have of late been very abusive, and to even allow their epithets to go unanswered would be to admit what they have stated as trutbs. A lie una iswered go ee as the truth to al) who hear or read it. And during the present state of affaire tbere haa been “neither let nor hindrance” o£ tbe unsavoury falsehoods from these ee)f alleged fricnds ! of a down-trodden people, lar woree, ) as they say, than the savage Alaakans. 0f this c!ass of wrlters, and most prominent, is the Rlght and Most Holy Reverend Sereno E. Bishop, a missionary’8 aon, born on Hawaiian soil, who accidentally by birth heeame a Hawaiian. but still remains a mongrel. This gmy headed son of—;\n j American missionary was reared and brought up by the people that be now sees dt to abose, sorne of whom. he says, are eager to see tbe flag of a greater country fl>’ over theoo, so as to save them frora idolatrvO This is a lie, for it is a lie, and thou art a liar ! I defy you to name any, unless it be some of your own ilk and possibly some Qumbskuli hirelmgs. Hawanans are satisfied to be Hawaiians and to have tbe flag of their country float over them, if God is willing. You are a disloya! son of Hawaii, not even fit to heeome a “pieee and parcel" of the American Republic, for you are unworthv, This saroe distempered and aecidental Hawaiian has seen fit to vilify and abuse Her Majesty, his and my Queen, in tbe grossest lie. and he knowa it too, that ever was penned by a saint or sinner. whieh I, as Her Majesty’s faithful subiect, hefewith resent as being most malignant and untruthful. No one is more charitably incLjned than Her Majesty, let alone tbis hoary saint who is too mean to see a twenty-five cent pieee slip through his fingere for charity’s sake. No one is more competent to be a witness than this same aaini as to what Her Majesty has heen striving—and is striving—for the good oi ber people. Look to the number of Hawaiian girls being educated at Her private expenae, and at the expense of a native ioeiliuiion bearing ber name, m ihe Kawaiahao Pemale Semioary, *nd ai other scholastic lnstitutioD6 of ihe oountry. See to the handsome amount invested by Her Majeeiy ia the Oahu Railway * Laud Company for the beoefit of tbe Liiiunkaianī SducationaI Society t ihe interest from whieh is expended in psying for scholarshipe 4o sustain some of yonr missionary metitutk)DS. Is this tbe doings of an idolater ? Sure)y uot. Thip ia Christian»ty wrooght m the spirt| hf ihe Maater; but uot inthatofyourmastcr,and therestof your Ūk, Mammou I (and the two eeni bouoiy en sugar>. When yō* emllni ihe Queen *’a «nneemhle *omao,” you fnrgot youreclf by oot calltng youraelf **a mieenhle fiif8lfier of the truth. Go tu, tho* m of—« miasionary. aad Ue aa aUK, ihoa and Holy Jo« Kmeiwo*, iocloding Tbureton, and tbe ihooe who are aleo direct Ihieai d«acendanta of ihoee |«rifoamc afiaasooaries who taught (Hawaliaaa tO abhor tdoiatrous 1 pr»cticea aud u> worehip iheon!y j traeaod tivi«q| God. lt aeema, by ( boaxy SanRoVown admie8ion. the I Miwwiuiiwi have heen nnahle to | «t»mp oo% >dobtry, forthe major |portkm df tha naiive Hawaiian pooole hava deaerted them. and are now heeome worthy membera of a worthy Chrietian denominatm. tho Romisfa Church, whieh th»y aidaow)j taught tbe natives ta abhor aa hitag idoiaters. 8uch M tha firnt *f minionary labour aad aeal» for that whieh they t*ught othan to abhor ha ve heeo aceepted by ihoae whom they h«d taoRht aa bring ihe most w»rthy to be raeriv«d, and that entirety owm* to the differeace between the pr«coeeof the laaehen of the two foith—ihoon* practiring as well ao peeaehin*—thc otber preaching God bot prackiring worldiy intaroata. Henwiih, t «xclaim. “It’s a foul hiid that sp>jii« its own amL n 8aaa adieu. £xcoaa m for |afringtng on your •paoe. aad ailow me to subecnbe LotalNative. ■ -