Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 9, 25 Pepeluali 1893 — IT WILL COME TO GRIEF! [ARTICLE]
I The newg of the revolutionary overthrow of tbe Hawaiian government comes to our people like a thunderbolt out of a clear sky. Avoiding detaila aa mueh as possible Iet us see, if we ean wh»t this revolution is and what it meaos. At the date of this writing—Saturday evening January 28th, 1893— tbtre is nothing before ue from whieh to glean intelligence of the late start!ing deoouement at Honolulu but the Boeton Herald’s. San Francisco, aod Washington . correspondeuce uncomplemented j by even a line of editorial eomi ment in that journal. Queen Liliuokaiani is detbronedI By her own people? No, by “foreigners; rt for so the dispatch reads and repeats the word again and again. And these foreigners are—would you believe it? Americans, from the United Statesl In three days —from the 15th to the 18th—they detbroned tbe Queen, established a Proviaional Government, and on tbe 19th, started commissioners to Washington to ask our govtrnmeot to annex the Sandwich Islands to the United States! This commission consists of Lorrin A. Thurston, William C. Wilder, William R. Castie, Charles T. Carter, and Joseph Marsden. Mr. Thurston, head of tbe commission, wae interviewed at the Occidental Hotel, San Francisco, and is reported as saying among other things; “Our mieaion is to secure annexation to the United States. We want no protectorate nor no repubhc. A republic vould be wor*e than a monarchy; for then the ignorant Kanaka wonld ruleP’ In the very next breath he i» made to »ay: “/ may »ny the/oreigners are unanimou» in fivor of annezation a» the only hope for Hawaii.” Now who are these American revo!utionists? They are mercbants, traders, specalators, Louieiana lottery gamblers »nd men of such kith and kin who bave for years heen oonniving at and perfectmg plans for the subjugation of the Saodwich Islands to the control of a ruthless oligarchy of whieh themselves are the front and ceotre, and greed of gain is the animatingsoulI But, as if there were an understanding helween themaelves and co-oonspirators at Washiogtoo bigh in authority, they have oa hand to akl them in their n«fanous ploi tbe United States Steamship Boston whioh tbe dispatch says landed 900 men fully arraed (o aid ud abet them in enforctng tbeir usurped authority! Bot, juet aa genUemen-villaina »1-* ways do in order to condone themselvee for mean and wicked acts, they cfaarga the hlame upoo anoth«r—the Queen —a woman! For—w**Jt i» claimod,” s»ys the repwiUui of ' tn do thh>l Ltito*lMiah* «fohed to abrogate n>lljr ber Uto King KaW''m . j WjpPphl a *'«iiV mii i»
Un, for be too, of course, is • “foreigner.” B€*ides thc al* j readr cited it is evident from minr statements m the Her*ld s dispatcb th*t this eoup d et*t of j the u foreigners r ’ h*d been for * | long tin»e in contempl*tion. In- ! st*nce the fol!owing whieh the Herald*s diapatch qootea as eom- ' ing from the lipe of ; Gorham D. Oilman who haa, for j many years, becn familiar with Hawaiian «ffaire: w The constitn- j iion,” he obeerv€<l, **was th*t of 1887, whieh during the po!itical troubles in the rei«n of the Iate King culminated in the reform partr (th*t is the foreigners) fori e ngfrom him co*re*$ion» whieh he | wa* loth to make and whieh heeame t incorporated in the new constitui tion.” And a liUle further on he says: 4, We ean see that the resuit wou!d be that the di*$ati»faetion whieh ha$ been graduaUy inerea»ing espeeially among tho»e eonnected with the planting intere*t - ha» brought a eri$i». Bnt thcee revolutionists —these “foreignera”—these American filibusters—want no protectorate nor no republic; ‘*fbr a republic they declare would be worse than a monarchy; for then the iguorant kanakae would rule!” So it wouid seem that u the ignorant kanakaa” are alre*dy intelligent enough to have well discovered the difference between their friends and their eoemies—between their own people and a horde of rapacious usurping ‘•foreignersl” In those few words of Mr. Thurston is revealed in all its bareness the esaential and unepeakahle rascality underlying this most atrocious and heaven-defying scheme for Hawaiian annexationI For if, as they declare, they ”want no protectorate nor no repablic,” in the nameof all the gods at onee what do tbey waat? The genius and spirit of our government—as expressed in the DecIarution of Independence and in the constitution whieh was its logical sequence—is Justioe, Liberty, Equality. Justlce equal and impartial to all; Liberty bridled by the go!den law whieh recogmzes the Fatherhood of God and the Brotherhood of men; Eqnality not mere)y before the law but equity in all the dea)ings of man with man so far as human laws ean properly defioe then, according eaeh to other the full measure of his rights to all tbe bounties of nature. aud the helphil aids of tbe whole body polilie. It is evident therefore tbat these foreigners want nothing whieh just and lawful government impliea. It ia clear tbat they do want something whieh it is not in the constitutional power of onr government to give’ They want annexation; but they do not want what must necesaarily rseult from it, namely ‘*fifteenth amendroent” annexation —a government of the people, by the people, and for the people. They preeent to our people, the glaring anomaly in government, of a large body of pnratieal outlaws entering into a conntry, deposing jts sovereign, taking the government in their own hands and establisbing an odk>U8 tyranny over the paople, aUowing th«n no voice whatever in the laws whieh are hencefi>rthto govern them; and then asking a Eepohlie like onrs to make the excresoence an annei of onr governmentl ConId andacity aad bIack-browed villany fartner goT Wbat they really do want we know a great deal better th«n tbey dare tell ns. They want as we h*ve already ahove suggested. what hy tnachwo0e uaurpation they hava already begnn to eatablieh under aome of the appearances of law; «aaaaiy an oligarchy—a h*tefnl, oppreaaive, imepooaihle oIigarchy, and for no other porpeae than fbr the enalavement of elaaeee of tha dafidwich Ialanda—that they may thereby enrich and w lonXjT UiwulWl vVHi m. to aeeoaplWAi Ihie by baving thuae islao<foroeerp«aledlby oor govwhatlaw»«hw |rill Sar their own flt tfo enn of {pehoe « pig>i«~what a l~*******t> HmttJ in 1 tbeir