Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 7, 11 Pepeluali 1893 — THE KAPUUKOLO CHURCH SCANDAL. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


— There is a saintly son of a gun, Whose name is J. S. Emerson, Who goes about in pious style, To ease his anti-monarch bile. Aml entc-rs with his devout brother, Hawaiiau'8 meeting: tries to smother A11 aloha for their Qneen and Iand, By fairy tales of witchcraft brand. And sweetly says: “My cbristian , friends, “In order now to gain onr ends, “Will you ally yourselves with one, “Who being but a native*son. “Has dared to infringe the haole’e plan “And makes himself (deceitful man) “Tbe prtpst of God and Baal too? “Shall such as8oeiate with you? “Periah the thought! No! brethren dear, “Not though my father's aons, ’tis clear, I “ Have robbed you of your lands and Iiving, “And taught yon nol the way to heaven. “We’ll sweetly sing, in chorus clear •*The haole takes the government here “(Having taken ali else), and let yonr Qneen, “Rely on none who here are seen. “Aaaoeiale she with heathens foul, “Pig, kahnnaa, chickens, awa bowi I “Shall such be belped with ehnaiian prayer, 1 “And oor God asked for her to l-*re. ,, ] He stayed his speech and called for i votes. , The answer from indignant throats, Came fast and fnrions on hia ean: “Taka out from bere your ly:ng sneera. | “Hypocrite! usnrer! rebel! beaat! “Soch words heeome your family least, “Who live on what the royal hand, | “Gave bounteons of Waialna’* lan<L “Ae pay for early prayer and praise, “Haued by yoar fatber in thoee days, “When miMionaries firet eame bere, ] “And taught us a new God to fear. "Go. hound! nntoyoor wealthy homa, “Beflectjni whenee your creatnre oomfort« oome, ‘Think if you ean what doom will be. ‘lngratitode’8 God wiil bring to «K—. “Hide yoor grey ]■ eka in deepeet “U* another take your fatber’« . “Go, and ne’er egain polhile, ‘*Thfe mmd plaee witb yoor fool boot 1hay«6al: Noae b!eaaed thetr homevard«ay: AHmao>edreiiaved: Aroaethelay. i Of praias toGod: and all agree.