Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 157, 9 Pepeluali 1893 — THE KAPUUKOLO CHURCH SCANDAL. [ARTICLE]
There is a saintly son of a gan, Whose n*mr i- J. S. F.mer->n. Who goes ab»>ut in j«i«»us style, To ease h.s anti-oionarch bile. And entc-rs with h:s dev.mt brother, Hawaiian‘8 nieetin>:: tnes t > smother All ah>ha for their Oueen and land, By fairy tales of witchcraft brand. And sweetly say-: “My christian friends, ‘‘ln>>rder now to gain oiir euds, “WUl you ally yourselves with one, "Who bein»r but a natire son. "Has daretl to infringe the haole’a plan “And makes himself ,deceitful man “The priest of (>o.l an>i B:»al too? "ōhall aueh associate with yoa? “Perish thethought! 'i'o! brethrendear, "Not though my f.ither'-> - >ns. 'tiselear. “Have robbed ycu of your lan.U an.i living, * , “And taught you uot the way to heaven. “We'll sweetly sin“, in ch.>r :s clear *‘The haole takes the government here “(Having taken all else . and let y >ur Queen, “Rely on none who here are seen. “Associate ghe with healhena f>>ul, “Pig. kahnm s. e ickeus. awa howi! “Shail aaeh 't«- helped with chnatian prayer, “And our God aske«l for her to care.’’ He stayed his speecb aml called for votes. The answer from indignant throats, Came fast an.l fnrious on his ears: “Take out from here your ly ng sneer«. “Hypocrite! usnn>r! rebel! l>eust! “Such words heeome your family Ieast, “Who live on what the n>yal band, “Gave bounteous of Waialua’e land. “As pay for early prayer an.l j<raise, ‘•Ra'.scJ by your f.:ther in th >se <lays, • When missionaries tir-: eame here, “And taught us a new God to fear. “Go, hound! unto your wealthy home, "Retiect ou whenee your crealure eomforts eome, “Think if you ean what doom wiil be, “Ingr*titude's God wiil bring to thee. ‘*Hide your grey 1> ck« in deej>est sh*me “Let *nother take your father's name, “Go, and ne’er rgain pollule. "This sacred ulaee with rour foal boot ’’ They went: Jfone biessed their homewar,i way; All seeuie»l re!ieve«l: Arosetbelay, Of j>raise to God; and all agree, To pr»y for Qneen and Hawaii.