Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 141, 18 Ianuali 1893 — Untitled [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

A provi-ional Government yesterday established in lhis coontry thoneh Mr. J. L. Steven< the rec>*gnized Representative of the United States. Accepting ;ne advice of her Cal>inet and of the Rcpresentativea of theother powers and a.B>» of several leading eitizens Her Majesty submitted to the newly established Government under a protegl whieh reads as follows : I. Lhiuokalaki, by the Grace of Go<i and under the Constitution of the Hawaiian Kingdom, Queen. do hereby solemnly protest against anv and all acts done against myself and the Constitntional Government of the Hawaiian Kingdora bv certain persons claiming to have est iblished a Provisional Government of and for this Kingdom. That I yield to the superior of the United States of America whose Minister PIenipotentiary, His Excellency John L..Steve.is, has caueed United States troops to be Ianded at Honolulu anddeclared that he would support the said Provisional Government. Now to avoid any co!lisi#n of arraed f»rces. and perhaps the loss of life. I do under lhis protest and imuelled by said force yie'd my authority uutil such time as the Governraent of the United States »hall upon the facts being pres ented to it undo the actiou of its representative and reinstate me m the authority whieh I elaim as the Constitutional Sovereign of the H awaiian Islands. l)one at Honolulu. this l7th day of January, A. 1893. (Signed) L1 l.K’OKALANL R. (Signed) Samikl Pakkkk. Minister of Foreign Affairs. (Signed) Wm. H. Cobnwell, Minister of Pinanee. (Signed) Jno. F. Coi blrn, Mmister of the Interior. (Signed) A. P. Pktkks >n, Attornev-Geueral. To S. B. l)oLK Esq., and others comjK»sing the Pr>»visional Government of the uawaiian lslands. We exhort all loval citizens to accept the situation in a peaCvfnl and ealm manner and aw.\.t tne decision of the Un tit' SMtvS Government. Tiie experience of the world so far as to t»ie Gr -..i American Republic, and t s• i l whieh governs it ass'ir-s »wry one that jnstice will be done. ! 'n til then let all bnsmess pr>»ce( d .•»s usual and let everyone av>>id d»sc is hi- g tbe s;tuati>>n or st;>rtmg <>r cir-c.i'8l>-ig romors and rep.>rts whieh m;ght oniy le.»»i todisquiet>ide i»nd excitement. Tne city is j>erfr-ctly quiet and beueve th*t it will t«od to get thmgs b>ck in its old gr.H*ves by susj>endiiig ihe martlal law whieh has been d**clared and allow the musket carrying gentlemen around the Government Building to hang up th**ir guns xnd adopt their usual *nd more famiiiar trades. Great credit ii due to Her llajeflty and ber advisers for the ■tand taken by tbem whereby a cataetrophe of such magnitude u

cannot be expressed was avoided. We hope that the provisional Government will act in a eoneiliatory spirit and endeavor in everv wav to restore confidenoe au>i the fc*eii:.g of seconty, and we hop-e that the fjllowcrs of the provis. >nal G >vernment will conduct themselves in a m>‘>d‘*rate and quiet manner and give no cause for irritation or di-s»īisfaction during ihe inter gnum. , We under-tand that Repre»entative- oftheprovisi.»nalGovernment will proceetl to the 8tates tomorrow bv one nf the Inter Island steamers. and that by the same opportunity nn envoy ol Hsr Majestv will g > t'>rward to M ashington together with the official dispatches. Tiie Kepresentatives of the Eumpean powers will aiso notify their respectiveGovernments and await instructions. * The Advertiser with its usual inelmaliou to be incorrect states , this morning that Her Majesty and the Cabinet Ieft town last | night, while the truth is that Her Majesty remaiued all night at the Palaee aud the resi>ective min- j isters spent last night in their res- , pective little beds—or at least > ought to. NVe never wili guarantee tbem m suoh matters. — The Attorney General and the Marsbal made digmfied addresses to the forces bef>>re ordermg them to disp>erse and were enthusiastically cheered. The poliee station was theu delivered to the provieional government represented i by Mr. J. Soper. We learn that the provisional government has refused to allow any Representative of thc Queen to take passage on the “Claudine” whieh is to leave f<>r San Francisco to-morrow raornmg. A mail will be carried lhough, and dispatches ; will be forwarded in that way. It j is reported that Messrs. W. C. | Wilder, L. A. Tnurston. C. L. i Carter. \V. R C.«stle and J. Marsden are to represent the pro- . visional g »vernmeot in its nego- | tiat'ons w th the United States. !