Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 133, 5 Ianuali 1893 — CORRESPONDENCE. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


(We do nnt hohl ourselves responsible for the tterances of our correspondents.) Epitok Holomua, The aniiahle theorist is onee more attracting attention to his utter laek of sound hnaneial kno\vledge and experience by his displays of mistaken and unfounded intimacy with the dealings of the various Bourses of Europe. If his hnaneial skill be no better than his logic, his too transparent bids for the position of Minister of Einanee or foi a future hnaneial trip to Europe at the puhiie expense as Negotiator-m-chief of loans to the Kingdom will fail on absolutelydeafears. To argue, because a petty finaneial scheme of doubtful stability was rejected by the well-informed financial circles of New York and Londoti, but afterwards succeeded in being placed in amal >arcels in the bands of speculative iovestors in small localities, that therefore a National Loan by this country should be placed in a similar begi ging way is absolutely absurd. The pruposit’on needs no refutation to men of business, and only ignorant and inexperienced men will be j carri-d away by its superficial plausibility. F>'r the benefit bf such, if any there be, we will uuloek now our gigantic Ananeial expenence and open up to ihem the best mode for getting the best returnif ; this G »vernment requires a loan, lf it really wants to get it, at the l<»west r <le it should first secure a firm of eapahle and resP‘insible fiuancial Mgeots in New York <>r London, (the latter pre£erably, asth»re monev is likely to be cheaper. > Tnen it should explain t » them f»illy and carefully what it wa nts the money for, how they pr<>posed t<>spend it,whatguarantees f >r paymeut «;f interest ane i repavmeut of pnneipal they are j prepared to make, and what reI s>»urces the counUy has at present j and how these are to be increased, ; and what new ones are to be brought out by Ihe proposed new l»»an. Tnen having fully furnished all information,and, huvīng gi ven, if required. a personal inspection of everjthing to a member or agent of their financiai agency, they should lay down what terms they want to borrow the money on, the interest, the price per bond and §o

forth. and have the loau judiciousIy floated on the open market—hrst if possib!e securing a syndicate to guarantee half at least ot the amount required. if not applied lor bv the general puhlie. AIl this will cost mooev, but in the eiul it jealous and interested opponenīi in politics do not endeavor to destroy the effect by writing defamatorv and detractive letters to the scene of operations it will give the country the best return at the least co<t. And th:s cost will be ( just so mueh morc thau other countries pav.as »ur proj»>sals are ēhowu to be less safe, or more extravagant then theirs, and uo uu»re. Italy. Epitok Hawaii Holomua, One of the worst fentures of polilieal life in Hawaii is the eon?tant emer<it'nre of the rnce iilea. The writer believes iu employing Hawaiiana in our schools. Whv not pay them an equilable salary like our Goveniment dis-i burses to strargers and aliena? j There is wrong somewhere when Miss So, and So comes here and receives a very mueh larger emolunient than her native sister. The “Pacifio Coua uiercial Adver tiser” had leading remarks in its pages on the last day of our year A. D. 1892, and 1 am asked to explain to’ those who desire to show their status, —thus, —that those who are 111 darkness and in error are themselves, in error, and show only their socalled missionary training by oalling all men brethren. Y.