Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 127, 27 December 1892 — Untitled [ARTICLE]

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The majority of the committee to whii h waf referred the hili relating to the calling of a eouiftitutional convention has report*i to the Hou~v and has reported , adven*ely to the bill. I We l>elieve ourseIvet that the idea is impraet!cal ae the Supreme Court without doubt would declare the law uuconstit itional. and therebv prevent the necessary work and ex{>«nditure, but we muetsay that we fail to underetand how Hawaiian subjecta and members ol the Hawaiian I»egislature ean sfate that the bill might offend. and lead to conmIication ! with foreign powers. The men who signed that rei>ort ehould r*‘«'gn their seats iu the Houee. Thev have trampled upon the dignity of this countrv, and thev are unfit b> reprcsent ita people. • To admit the pot*sibility or the , right of foreign powers interfering ; in the gqvernuient of this country, and in its transacting its Legisla- j tive ’ousiness as it seenn» wise and good to the people, is an insult both the Hawaiians as a nalion and to the foreign powere. Constitutional conventions are I held in many places in the world, and we liave yet to learn of a i einple instance whcre “a foieign . power” hafi interfered. ) If the gentlemen who signed the majonty report wish to intimate that Hawaii’e plaee ara*»r.g the nations of the world is in aiiy way inferior they had bettcr get up and dust—there is no roora for them here. Nohle Young >vanted to adopt the majority report without waiting for the minority. Common courtesy ought to have taught hira that such aelion would be ineon eiderate loward the oiembers in the rainority of tbe eommiUee, and against the custoran of the House. He was naturally promutly sat on and the hill will receive a full discussion. He should aI*o reuieniber that the question is not one lo be thrown carelesfily a$ide. It was one of the main issaes of the campaign of whieh this is the result aiui it is the mensure whieh is uppermofit in the thoughts of Hawaiiane who will never rest hef >re a new constitution has heen ohtained. The remarkabie opinion of the Suprerae Court whieh allows the Legislature to araend and change the whole constitution without tbe signature of the Queen has only coufirmed Her people m lheir belief that it is peremptorily necessary to ahandoc a fundamental law whieh ean leave & loop-hole for such an opimon, and the quicker it is done the better for tbe country —but as we have stated we do not ooneider the cailing of a constitutional cooveution the right way of obtaining wbat ie desired. The eDtertainment m Aliiolani Hale on Chrietmae eve went off pleaaantly. Tbe “Advertieer” man wae naugbty onee or iwiee, but

upon being referred to the military 1 committee and give.i h t!f aa hour in the corner. he b* , came niee and philoaophieal agviu. Screral invited guests were present aud it was a pleas->re to noliee the fraternal feelings of former enemies. The father of the lotterv hill was cordially embracing the Lord Chancell"r "hiie Eipikane shook the Marshal’s hand without tearing him to pieces. Nohle Marsdeii tned t*i smother Nob!e Baldwin as he at one time smi>lhered the lig l 't wine and beer bill, while P»pcorn h id severalevidently 8atisfict->ry iuterviews with Kipahu in the h-ek room. Nnwahi Uxiked dis»pp«»mted in not findiog “friend Th >rst »n” while Nnhle C»r;;«ell retirncd ; “friend Thurstoivfi” s’lh>cking edit»rial to Henry as b*mg f 1 no use whatever. Kv<-rythmg went as merry as conid ih' w s i d for. and even Kapahu drowned h:s sorrow over the absence <1 tue Marquis of lao. and rec«>vered sufficiently to go h.mie in Q imn’s haok. Grand Orator Sm’th want d to niake a 3{>eech, hut a steady h -wl I of“Ninau’' comj>elled hiui to shut I his gum trap. S > he s «t d<>« n and sulked f>>r a little wlnle Grmd I Chaplain Ashford want» d t • q-i<>te the Bible, but the raigsi<>i.«ries threatening to sii g a Christmas j hymn niade him st >t> sh -rt «i d ! compromise. The Bulletin s Corist- ; mas Editor, and the Advertiser prophet fcrmed a dreibuud with the Advertising ed t->r <>f the | Liberal and all sw->r-* d:re ven1 geance and eternal w>r agiinst the j Ka Leo and the ‘olom. a f r n*>t ; showing the pr per api>rec. >ti-»n »f and respect f>r tlieir l»r liiicy intelligence andgeneral s ri >nty. The sergeant at nrms distrihuted chewing gutn with a liberal hmd and nobodv scold-d him. Nohle Dreier mad>* mi cxcelient Santa Claus —his g-ner<»sity >nd well-kuown willingness t • d g >ip specially adapting h 'n f-r the poeilion. Everyb dy was r** ic mbered and everyb »dy secm-d satisfied. Here are a few of the i>r sentfi whieh the fortunate y»ungsters received according to tLeir merits and wishes; The President: An aulomaiie gnavawod gavel marke>l L. \ T. and a bottle of Mother S nith’9 so*>thing syrup (W. O. bnnd . Minister Wilc.»x: Eowell’a mule and—a Re9i. t Nohle Yoiing: A Chinese ee lehmen and a H n -lulu minoritv. Nohle Berger: A trea9ury vault femply> and the coQfoand<.*d int*-re«t. Nohle Ena: Tbe world fenoed in and a painting repreeenŪQg Saint John dafeating monopoliea. Nohle Cummins; Six hnndred ronnda ammoailion (alightijr damaged by salt w%terj and a eonunienoo aa Grand Vuier to the 8oltan oI Turkey.

N'ohle Marsdeu: Hog °n ioe. Mongoose stuffe«i with pigeons fl*nked with Ii|cht wine »nd beer ( ErftlUh oooking ). A mini?terial *»sh ( loo «hort ) with spangles. Representative M . 0. 11 lbe. of chewing gnm f\irgini* br»nd ) 1 btl. sweet oil, 1 lb. rna’s suft soap. Representative Aebford: A bible with qu«nation marks A hfe-size model dause se wilhoni. Nobie Baldwin: A new tnemorial church, A bigger poeket, and 100, 00 chnstian ehinamen. ,\. ble Hind: A free uass on \Vilder’s steamers and the rai!road. . I Renresent itiw Wilder: A free p ss on the Honuapo—San Franc»eco line. Noble C*'rnwell: A pulverizod wood-chopper and “a white horse.” Representative Bush: A c!ean eeeonl. a pure life, a reserved seat in tieaven and a speedy millenium. ( To be continufdJ Our iittle pearl-gray gossiper from ' , erchant street raust have enj.iyadhis usual perusal of the School fir Scandil last Saturdny without getting into his amiahle raivid. lt is reported that he was bdh quarrelsome and naughty und eveu showed his teeth. As l?>ng though thit he only uses »ponns as we ip ms, he cannot be considered dangfcrous and his British colleagues ean rest in peaee. We do not wonder at the eontroversy betwe--n Mimsters Jones and the ‘‘Advertiser” in regard to the Tantalus road. His ExoelIency feels sure of a seat m Heaven and is indifferent to the road while Henry knowg that the top of Tantalu8 is as near to lfeaven as he ever \yill get. and he therefore cries for the road. So that he ean buy a family hous» lot as near to the top as his subscription list will let him.