Ahailono o ka Lahui, Volume I, Number 28, 11 February 1890 — A CHANGE IN BELIEF. A Split Among Presbyterian Congregations, Old Doctrines Must be Modified. [ARTICLE]

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A Split Among Presbyterian Congregations, Old Doctrines Must be Modified.

" There is every likelihood that the diseussion of the Presbyterian creed wijl end in an awful disruptioii of the chīirch." This statement was maele in New York, on Januai;y 22nd/ by a proniinent Presbyteiian divine who has taker part in the discussion. "Tho que:;tions involved go to the very foun* datiua of the church and the feeliug is iuteijse. * We aro in favor of a modificution of the creeid, blotting out predestina= tion, references to the Catholic chiirch as anti«Christ and the damnation of non-Christian people, ean certainly not remain in a church body whieh believes in and holds to such out* grown, iIlogical, and unchristiau doctrines. | €t There hundreds who think.as I do, und thero are, of course, hundreds who hold strictly to Calvinisjpa pure, simp|le and cold. The final rupture will be postponed some tiine, but it must eventually eome.. If the

Chureh deeidos to sustuiu tho old| croetl āiiel expects us to preaeh it we h»ve no other reeourso thau to with- j draw. . : Then congregatious will probal)ly follow us, and this will lead to the ©Btablishraent either of a new ehureh organi/iation f perhaps Presbyterian in namo, or else to tho formation of hundreds of indepoudent congregations all over the eoUiitry. Whieli' ©ver side wins will force tho otliers to withdraw, or else stultify tliemsolves by preaeliii)g what they do not believe, aud eertainly most preaelisrs will not be hyp '! tes. " Few preae \e-se doetrines now, and all othei, are forced daily to explain away tlieir existence in church books. We ean stand tlie false posi» tion 110 ionger. This diseussion mcans a revolution and probable robellion."