Ahailono o ka Lahui, Volume I, Number 28, 11 February 1890 — The Union Ice Company. [ARTICLE]

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The Union Ice Company.

A represeiitative oi tke Hekall» called upon ]\lr. L. C. Ables, the <jentleman]y manager of the Union lee Company for mforiuation relative this new enterprise. Mr. Ablet> kindly showed him abo«t the buildingexplaining tlie mechaiiism, eapaeity, etc., of the works. From hw lucid desoription the following items are condensed: The works are located in the large brick building adjoinirig the Lucfts' Planing Mill, formerly Ufed as a storehouse. A tasteful office is being jßtted up iu the front corner adjoining the planing mill. Both teleplioues will be in use. Next to the office on the ground floor is a retail storage room with a cftpacity of say twenty tons. The remainder of the front is devoted to eokl storage rooms jl5 feet square and 7 feet high. Above these are three tiers of storage rooms 10 fcct by 15 feet of the same height. It is intended to construct two more above these with dim/?nsions the same as in the bottom. The walls whieh enclose the storage rooms are well lined with saw dust. On the ground floor are four tanks used in the manufacture of iee. The first is 2S feet long by 1% feet in width and turns out blocks of iee weighing 180 pounds. The last three, eaeh 28 feet long and 7 feet \s r ide, are of a different process and yield blocks weigliing 1000 pounds. In the engint room at the rear are ihe furnace and two upright engines. stairs, three salt brine tanks are observed, two round an l one s<iuare. Only,one of the round tanks is iu use aiui its capacity is ab< »u t ..'KiOO gallons. The aiquare tank 'hoihl», say,'2ooo gul!<>'.is.' Near by are the steam condensers and the .anmonia eondenser is built on the roof. j Ables expect the works will- be iu ruimiitg order iii about two weeks. Fi. e meu will be emlīīoyed. The iee tanks will ho!d about forty tons a®nd if the store rooms were full at the same time, there would be sixty tons of iee 011 haml. An enteiprisu whieh adds to the wealth of the city and affurds employment is wortliy of weleome and patronage.