Ahailono o ka Lahui, Volume I, Number 28, 11 February 1890 — LOCALS. [ARTICLE]

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To-raorrow will l>e a legal liolidaY. . Conrt Lunalilo, No. 6600, A. O. T., assembles at 7:30p, m. Excelsior Lodge, No. 1, I. 0. F. f aaeets at its hall at 7:30 i\ m. T iere will be a meeting of tLo Geo. W. DeLong Post, G. A. R., at 7:30 j\ m. "% Tlig steamsliip Maripoga shonld reacli liere ou Satnrday nesi, with news to tlie Bth. The foarth judicial distri<?t tenr. of court willbe ops.ued at Nawiliwili Mr. J\stice McCully. The flrill of Company B, Honoluhi Eiffes, will take plaee at tlie Armory on Bēretania street, at 7:30 P. M. T>y the W. G, Hall whieh arrives this afternoon, «•eliaWe mny l>e expectedof the Kan election for representatives. - The libel case of Goiibalves vs. M. de Freitas was eontinued this morning to Friday of next week to ahow Mr. Rosa to attend the session of court at Liluie, Kauai. The re-e!ection of Col. Y. V Ashford as Oolonel of the Yohmteers by a unaniniotis vote of the staflf and line offieers, is another evidence of liis popularity among the "boys." The new lioyal Saloon is hastening toward eompleiion. It is of one story and the tasteful eomiee embellishmentsof the roof gieatly enhanee its appearance. A verandah is now being adtled.