Ahailono o ka Lahui, Volume I, Number 28, 11 February 1890 — POWERFUL GUNS. Defenses for the Harbor of San Francisco. [ARTICLE]

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Defenses for the Harbor of San Francisco.

New York 5 January 30.- John L. Btickney, an ex-Lieutenant of the United States navy anel one of the leading experts on land fortifications in thu country, informed your corres» pondent Iast evening tliat San Francisco would in a very few montlis be probably tlie best protected city and harbor on tlie whole coast line of the United States. Within a morith or two 'dynamite guns recently ordered by the Government will be ou the way to San Fi'ancisco to be placed oni a commanding altitude near the city where they ean sweep the entrance to Golden Gate and reach two miles over the oeean.

These guns are " 1 ' ■ " ."or nse from an emineuee their work is almost certainly eileei:" 1 " . for while a modern ship ean stand ;i* hours in tlie face of a liard fire frotr ieavy guns carryin'g shells or balls, a :d ean live and do eflective service after bein<r O literally perforated, the dynamite gun throws a eouple of hundr< 1 pounds of dynamite whieh no shij ean withstand.

throws a eouple of hnndr< 1 pounds of dynamite whieh no ship ean withstand. There has been mueh t- kof the opportunity for a Ohilean o. ther vessel Iving a mile outdde Goldcu GaU ;;lk! tbrowing her shells into the corridor of the Palaee Hotel with impunity s so far as danger from the present defeir ses is b«t the dynanute gun c€>uld make things disastrously warm for an enemy, 'whleh would be forced to vacate its position suddenly and without the immense amount of tribute whieh evil propuets always elaim a ship woulu levy. The range of the dynamite gun is Bttfficient to keep a ship far enough oat at sea to prevent her shells reach - in« the main portion of the city, so San Francisco ean soon breathe easy.