Ahailono o ka Lahui, Volume I, Number 28, 11 February 1890 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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1 R. MORE & C0 , j ; - ; : MACHINISTS & BLACKSIVIITHS. Pai'ticular Atteution Paia to Sliip Vork. Good Work at Low Eates Guarantee<.l. No. 71 mim; street, HONOLULU, - - H. I. feb7-dtf Bell Tejl£PHO>e No. 2. P. O. Box No, 423, WALKER & REDWARD, G0NTRAGT0RS AND BUILDERS. Brick, Stono and Woo(Ten Buildings. Estimates Given. Jōbbing Promptlj Attended to. *«>. 78 STREKT, HONOLULU, - - H. I. feb7-dtf J0HN PHILLIPS, GAS FITTER, COPPERSMITH, PLUMBER. Particular Attention paid to Tin Boofing aml the F?tting up of Gas Maohines. Ko. ri k»(>i §TREEr, i Near Bethel. HONOLULU. - - H. I. i feb7-dtf - ' r • ! W. W. WR1GHT & S0N, GENERAL CARRIACE MAKERS AHD All ordera £or wheel vchī('les of every deserIption ftlled with promptness, Fii«t-elass meehnmt's on!y are empIoyed. F1NE CARRIAGE WORK A SPEOIALTY. Tram C*rts, Omnil>usses, i Plantation Wagons, Hlule auel Ox Carts | Made to Order, Altered or Repaired. Painting, Trimming, Etc. ionr llorso Doparfmcn{ under the management of R, Cavford, who will collect and receipt all bills aue that branch of our business. Sigoed, W. W. WRIGHT & SON, W©». 79 & 81 STREET. BELL TELEPHONE, No. 881. feb7-dtf