Ahailono o ka Lahui, Volume I, Number 28, 11 Pepeluali 1890 — Page 2

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The National Herald.




            THE Elele Publishing Company has decided to suspend the publication of the NATIONAL HERALD for the present. The causes which made the publication of a daily newspaper in the interests of the people a necessity have temporarily ceased to exist. The weekly Elele will resume publication as usual on and after next Saturday. As the Elele will fully supply public needs until the meeting of the Legislature, the present will be the last issue of the NATIONAL HERALD until further notice.


IT becomes the duty of every good citizen to use his influence at home and abroad to correct the civil results emanating from late partisan methods used in the election campaign. Our citizens do not live on politics, but on trade, agriculture and mechanical pursuits. And campaign results which tend to depreciate our industrial resources should, therefore, be corrected at once.

            The campaign story sent abroad to the effect that a defeat of the government party meant immediate want of confidence abroad, needs correction. The impression attempted to be created that Hawaiian bonds would sink in value as soon as the news of a change of government reached London, needs correction. The campaign falsehood, which was repeatedly insisted upon as a campaign weapon, that a change of administration meant that Hawaii was to be ruled and ruined by the revolutionary element of the kingdom, needs emphatic and immediate correction.

            Facts are material truths, which the industrial people of the kingdom prefer to accept and deal with in settling political differences. Whenever such differences arise the public generally sees the benefit of following facts rather than politicians or the political croakings of the disgruntled.

            In our present state of national development we are necessarily a nation of shop-keepers and planters The mechanical trades, which are one day destined to be a prominent element in our civilization, have but lately reached a point where they may be considered as an integral part of our future progress. The percentage of desirable free labor now in the country adds to the complex nature of the united interests of our cosmopolitan people.

            It is evident that any journalistic misrepresentation abroad of our internal condition, is a detriment to each and every industry of the kingdom. To strike a campaign blow, in the interest of the present government, by deliberate falsification of present facts and future results is to endanger the industrial and commercial benefits accruing to all classes of our citizens.

            During the late campaign political methods were carried a little further than usual. The present ministers, who were two years ago given the trusteeship for the people of the whole kingdom, have seen fit to go beyond campaign misrepresentations. They have deliberately, purposely and unjustly done the entire kingdom great injury at home and abroad by dragging into a political campaign our foreign relations with France and America. They attempted to make our treaty relations with America a campaign issue, when in fact our entire population without political distinction i friendly to the United States and desires a continuance of our treaty relations with the great Republic.

            It is the duty of every good citizen of Hawaii to now use his influence at home and abroad to correct these evil results emanating from the partisan methods used by the ministers and the representatives of the cliques and factions during the late campaign.


            THE bank clearances of sixteen cities of the United States during the year 1889 amounted to the enormous sum of $53,683,805,575. New York leads with a total of nearly thrity-six billions of dollars, which is stated to exceed the business done by the London clearing house for the same period. Next to New York comes Boston with clearances amounting to almost five billions. Philadelphia and Chicago are credited with nearly three and one half billions each and our neighbor, San Francisco, stands sixth in the list with a credit of $843,386,151. The city of St. Paul is at the foot of the list with clearances amounting to $209,405,381.





Defenses for the Harbor of San Francisco.


            NEW YORK, January 30. –John L. Stickney, an ex-Lieutenant of the United States navy and one of the leading experts on land fortifications in this country, informed your correspondent last evening that San Francisco would in a very few months be probably the best protected city and harbor on the whole coast line of the United States. Within a month or two dynamite guns recently ordered by the Government will be on the way to San Francisco to be placed on a commanding altitude near the city where they can sweep the entrance to Golden Gate and reach two miles over the ocean.

            These guns are especially built for use from an eminence and their work is almost certainly effective for while a modern ship can stand for hours in the face of hard fire from heavy guns carrying shells or balls, and can live and do effective service after being literally perforated, the dynamite gun throws a couple of hundred pounds of dynamite which no ship can withstand.

            There has been much talk of the opportunity for a Chilean or other vessel lying a mile outside Golden Gate and throwing her shells into the corridor of the Palace Hotel with impunity, so far as danger from the present defenses is concerned, but the dynamite gun could make things disastrously warm for an enemy, which would be forced to vacate the immense amount of tribute which evil prophets always claim a ship would levy.

            The range of the dynamite gun is sufficient to keep a ship far enough out at sea to prevent her shells reaching the main portion of the city, so San Francisco can soon breathe easy.



            To-morrow will be a legal holiday.


            Court Lunalilo, No. 6600, A.O.N. assembles at 7:30 P.M.


            Excelsior Lodge, No. 1, I.O.F., meets at its hall at 7:30 P.M.


            There will be a meeting of the Geo. W. DeLong Post, G.A.R., at 7:30 P.M.


            The steamship Mariposa should reach here on Saturday next, with news to the 8 th .


            The fourth judicial district term of court will be opened at Nawiliwili by Mr. Justice McCully.


            The drill of Company B, Honolulu Rifles, will take place at the Armory on Beretania street, at 7:30 P.M.


            By the W.G. hall which arrives this afternoon, reliable news may be expected of the Kau election for representatives.


The libel case of Gonsalves vs. M. de Freitas was continued this morning to Friday of next week to allow Mr. Rosa to attend the session of court at Lihue, Kauai.


            The re-election of Col. V.V. Ashford as Colonel of the Volunteers by a unanimous vote of the staff and line officers, is another evidence of his popularity among the “boys.”


            The new Royal Saloon is hastening toward completion. It is one story and the tasteful cornice embellishments of the roof greatly enhance its appearance. A verandah is now being added.



The Union Ice Company.


            A representative of the HERALD called upon Mr. L.C. Ables, the gentlemanly manager of the Union Ice Company for information relative to this new enterprises. Mr. Ables kindly showed him about the building explaining the mechanism, capacity, etc., of the works. From his lucid description the following items are condensed: The works are located in the large brick building adjoining the Lucas’ Planing Mill, formerly used as a storehouse. A tasteful office is being fitted up in the front corner adjoining the planing mill. Both telephones will be in use. Next to the office on the ground floor is a retail storage room with a capacity of say twenty tons. The remainder of the front is devoted to cold storage rooms 15 feet square and 7 feet high. Above these are three tiers of storage rooms 10 feet by 15 feet of the same height. It is intended to construct two more above these with dimensions the same as in the bottom. The walls which enclose the storage rooms are well lined with saw dust.

            On the ground floor are four tanks used in the manufacture of ice. The first is 28 feet long by 12 feet in width and turns out blocks of ice weighing 180 pounds. The last three, each 28 feet long and 7 feet wide, are of a different process and yield blocks weighing 1000 pounds. In the engine room at the rear are the furnace and two upright engines. Ascending the stairs, three salt brine tanks are observed, two round and one square. Only one of the round tanks is in use and its capacity is about 5000 gallons. The square tank holds, say, 2000 gallons. Near by are the steamer condensers and the ammonia condenser is built on the roof.

            Mr. Ables expect the works will be in running order in about two weeks. Five men will be employed. The ice tanks will hold about forty tons and if the store rooms were full at the same time, there would be sixty tons of ice on hand. An enterprise which adds to the wealth of the city and affords employment is worthy of welcome and patronage.





A Mauach Little Craft Made for Great Speed and Power.


A special to the New York Sun gives a description of the torpedo boat Cushing, launched at the Herreschoff yards in Bristol, R.I., on the 23d inst. The vessel is 138 feet long, 15 feet beam and has a depth of hold from the crown of the deck to the keel amidships of 10 feet and has a draught of but 4 feet 4 inches loaded.

            The Cushing’s displacement is about 103 tons and its maximum horse-power 1600. The hull is built of steel throughout, every plate and frame being galvanized and all exposed metal work. The keel, of flat plate, is worked to form the ram. The stern is a steel forging, extending from the spar deck to eight feet along the keel from the spur of the ram, and the stern post is another steel forging.

            Above the water the Cushing will e very plain that she may be a poor target for the shot and shell of an enemy. Two conning towers and two smoke stacks are her most pronounced features. A whaleback extends from forward of the conning tower to the bow and the whole deck is curved so as to throw off shot. She has not only twin screws, boilers and engines, but twin pumping machinery, torpedo tubes and steering gear. The condenser alone of all the mechanical equipment is single.

            The hull is divided into eleven compartments, separated by water-tight bulkheads, the openings in which close on rubber gaskets, with wedge-locking devices, which secure them from opening against any pressure. The folding of any compartment except the engine-room, would not seriously in interfere with the working of the boat. The movements of the vessel will be controlled from two conning towers, which are circular, of one-quarter inch steel plates, and have double sliding doors. The engines may be run together or singly.

            The fighting powers of the board consists in discharging torpedoes through the tubes in the bow, the object being to get near enough o the enemy before being discovered to discharge torpedoes. To do this requires great speed to cross the danger space before being discovered or struck.

            The Cushing will have to approach as close as 200 yards to be within effective firing range. The torpedos are discharged by an explosive compound. They will travel at the rate of forty feet per second over the surface of the water. It means sure destruction to a ship that is struck squarely by one of them.




A Split Among Presbyterian Congregations, Old Doctrines Must be Modified.


            “There is every likelihood that the discussion of the Presbyterian creed will end in an awful disruption of the church.” This statement was made in New York, on January 22 nd , by a prominent Presbyterian divine who has taken part in the discussion. “The questions involved go to the very foundation of the church and the feeling is intense.

            “We are in favor o a modification of the creed, blotting out predestination, references to the Catholic church as anti-Christ and the damnation of non-Christian people, can certainly not remain in a church body which believes in and holds to such outgrown, illogical, and unchristian doctrines.

            “There are hundreds who think as I do, and there are, of course, hundreds who hold strictly to Calvinism pure, simple and cold. The final rupture will be postponed some time, but it must eventually come. If the