Ahailono o ka Lahui, Volume I, Number 27, 10 Pepeluali 1890 — THE GENERAL ELECTION. [ARTICLE]
' . .•■! - -A Closs Contest with Odds in favor of National fieform. Retnrns fr.om Maui are probably eomplele nnil if so will appear else\ifhere. The result on Hawaii ean be given with the exception of Kats distriet. Molokai had two candidates } both on Naiional Reforni side. Below appqars a elasificatk>a so far as practieable from data available: NOBLES.. K. INB, REF OahU . .9 Maiii.. 6 Kaiiai 3 Hawaii v., 4 2 Totf»l6 ,9 ; 4 11 KErKEBEXTAfiVEBr Oahu , J I Maui .3 2 Kauai % Hawaii .3 3 Molokai 1 Totals : ..li 9 If Kau elects » refo:m ;epre)iēntative, ihe joiut ballot will stjtad, exclu Ave of Indepenvienta: National Reform .... .. ..... ........ 23 Refonn . 21 Leaving the c:istjng vote with the Indepentlc!nts f supposingthe»o votes to tlivide oqually,|the result wiil be : National Kcform.... V..,.......,.... ,25 Reforni .23 But as theTndepen«lent ticket origiiiāted a/ter the Hiio coD Vention it is abhur i to cjab»ify it asia affiliation *vftii the goyemment party. This vie\v is str\ingtheiied by the einphatic repudiatioa of tho Ji.uepeudent ticket by the organ voicing the miiHr,terial poiicy aud wshes. On admiDĪstration issut:p~-then, ihe vote ehoiilu stand: Natios;al 1iei0iin....... :..... ..... .27 Keforni,. .... ; 21 From ; "il that ean be ascertained and by all sotiable dedjictious from fucts, a vote of want of eonCc:eucv iii the present nnnistry shuuld ayēy, ol; n,i|'s, 1/.