Ahailono o ka Lahui, Volume I, Number 27, 10 Pepeluali 1890 — LOCALS. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


Cunl \veather last niglit, fov Honolulu. Plenty of editorial humor in ths looal v v olumns o£ tiie AdYertiser. M ; * Hon. W. H. Oomwell and Hon. J. W. Kalna are dowu from Maui. A meeting of tho line "officers of the Honoluln Rilles takes lliis evening. A party of ladies aud gentlemen fiom Honolulu visited Waimanalo yesterday, Hi:rmony Lodge No. 3. I. O. O. F. meets .at iialf pa?t seven o : clocWJiis evening., Jobn-I>iHoh,M.P.,anci Th,;>mas Esmonde, 0} Ireland, are registered at tho Hawaiian Hotel. A. P. Kapaehaole, National lieform candidato l for veproßentative iwiu Molokai, is elected by 75 i maiority. | — _ | M*\ Theo. H. Davies, accompanied by his son, returned on the Zealand\a from an extended tour of the woikl. o\ving to the 11011-iUTival of Commander Wyngate, Captain \vill remain for some time to eome in chai*ge of the Nipsic. The R.J.Greene who left on the ZealandiaM not tlie li. J. Greene left by. tlie Zealandia as Wc.ll as by the National Eeform pariy. Three thousand buncl;es o'f bananas we*re shipped to Ban Fi'anci.sco by the Zealandia yeBterday. Tne sa:no vessel dii»charged a number of Australiūii shccp here. Eloction returns eome in very slowly from the other islands. In fact, they aro of such a str»ggling nature as to be uusatisfaciory for pnblicalion. The successful candidates, however, are Iniown. Follo\"?ing are tLe officers of *he Catholie I3enevoleut Society, recently organiztd : Pre?idont, Mrs. E. S. Cunha; Vice-President } Mr». J. T>pwler; Secretary, Mrs. T). Clatke; Treasurer, M -g. J, I V. T ..'::. r>o»n ? .!. | The death of Mr. P. J. Philip at Sama Tiosa, Ca]ifornia, is announcetl. Mr. PhiFp was f )rmer lv a resident of the island of Mar.i and wa« fīfty nine yeara of age at the time of ':is death, whieh oeeu red on the 20th ultimo. I The following were the deyj:tnnros for San : Franciseo by the Zoalandia yeiiterday: Mīss Eella | Weight, J. J. Egan, H. F. Wiehman, A. Johnj stone, A. S. Hartwell, B. J. G;eene, Mrs. C. H. j Smith and daughter, Mr. Ju»tice Dole and wife, | and one steerage. I Kr. Johnstone, father of Arthur Jolnv;to!ie of [ th:'s city, was a passenger by the Zealandia for | San F.ancisco, Mr. Jolmsione has lately returned i from the Colonies where he has passed a year in | t-!-avel. He is now on his way to his home in Ala- | meda, California. • f Mr. P, cr Jones,"p}ir>r t;> hib <ipparture, gave the HawaiiiUi I>Oaiū of ihe sum of $5,000. This is intei preted by ti;e S. F. .C-.ul to. mean : Hawaiian "Ban{l," and tTiis ū?'»>ruihg';s Advertiser, I mentiomng the matter, leaves ihe reader in doubt | as t<y its view of the genumetw«s of the Lte:u. j The band wil| play to-night at Einma Squure, at 7:30 o'eloek. The following selections will be ! ! rendered: \1- March—Peterburgh.. .. .Canthal i- '2, Overture—Poet and Peasant Suppe [: 3. Finale—Carmeu Bjz. t ij 4. Selectiou— Naoueeo Verdi | Mikioi. PuuOhulu. Ua hiki ao me A'u. -ikoleh Se!ection —Kobe;-t Isruce.. .BShniseau i6, Fantafeia—Forge in the Forest Michaelis ,7. Schottiscbe—Slightly en the Mash Seud | 1 8. Ooklen Shower. ~ Waldteu|el! Hawaii Ponoi. j j Don't growl at this world until you areyureof; a beUer one. j Everything that is niee iu this wor!d grows on ! the vjther side of a barbed wife fencē. ' ;l j j The devil is credited with a gre«t deal of mis- ] chief that the stomach is guilty o!. j 1 Mrs. Sillibus eays she "always likes to see a' j clergyman in the pulpit with his surplus." j j If yOur heart is larger than your head you ia- j j jure your&elf, &nd if your head is larger thauyour | j heart you iujure your ucighboi-s.