Ahailono o ka Lahui, Volume I, Number 26, 8 February 1890 — LATE FOREIGN NEWS. [ARTICLE]
Silcott, the defaultiDg cashier of the serjent-at-arms' offiee of the United States House of Ilepresentatives has located in Canada by a newspaper report-er. The Grand Duke Nicholas of Bussia is hopelessly ill with a cancer, The detei:miijation of tLe Chinese j C*o\erii.ment to coiistri!(}£ a ruilway |from Pekin to Giru, a. ! near the Russiar? frontier, has created 1 cbnsiderable officinl uneusiness iu Sl Petersburg. As a set otf agaūist this is the contemplated increa.se of the Russian tleet in the Pacific. A private letter from "V īenna states t|iat the Emperor of Ausiria is rapidly gpowing feebler. " He talks of immediate abdication and of retaii)g to a raona,stcry. ! The Novoe Vremyu newspaper of Petersbnrg advocates a scheme to oppose English colonization in Africa. A dispatch from Yienna states that 500 striking glass workers have at ticked the factoiy in wliieh they were epjployed and destroyed all the ujachinery. | A sīeibourne dispatch says that Matterson. the oarsman, has challenged Peter K.emp to row a race f<)r the sculling championship of tlie; world and ?o,COO. ~j
Poloi' Jacfeou, tlie slogger } ieclares' that he is more anxious than ever io meet John L. Sullivan and eannol u.nderstand why he Bhould now rais« the. terms whieh he originally made m& whieh J«ck3on jproroptly aeceptecL A Paris cablegram states that the fiery Mar<iuis De Mores eonsidering himself insqlted by an article in La Nation, has challenged M. Dreyfua, the editor, to a duel with pistols. ; The business part of the town of jOovington Mo. has been burned.