Ahailono o ka Lahui, Volume I, Number 26, 8 February 1890 — The Chinese in Europe. [ARTICLE]

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The Chinese in Europe.

Chinese eheap labor is malnng itst Mt even in Europe. Bwedish matchmakers havo until recentlv oontrolled * the principal markets of the wor!d s and immense quantities of their products haye been exported in every direetion. The Chinese have gone inlo the businesi> however, and in aeeonianee with their usual custom, have commenced by cutting down prices to a limit whieh cannot be reached evec by the chqapest of Euiopoan eheap iabor. Chinese-made matclies are now being sold in and ot!ier European ports for 27 feliil!ingft G penee a case less ihan the Swedish aHiele, and as a eonsequence the histo)y of many industries American bids fair to be repeated in the old country, —[Ex,