Ahailono o ka Lahui, Volume I, Number 26, 8 Pepeluali 1890 — Page 2
The National Herald.
LACK of space to-day has crowded out some interesting correspondence and all of our short local notes.
The new United States cruiser Charleston is now due here at any time. She will come as flagship, and will carry Rear-Admiral Brown, who succeeds Rear-Admiral Kimberly, as commander of the Pacific Squadron.
THE government newspaper is purposely mistaken on one point: viz., as to what solidified the native Hawaiian vote in the Oahu election. It was not “the Wilcox insurrection,” but it was almost solely the political course and policy pursued by the present government, between the years 1887 and 1890. The government itself not only solidified native Hawaiians against it but caused a large percentage of foreigner and the “solid natives” to join issues for the general welfare of the kingdom!
It is conceded that Hawaiian prosperity is liable to suffer injury abroad from late irresponsible and very unjudicious journalism on the government newspapers have alleged with reiterated emphasis that the National Reform party is hostile to the United States and opposed to any treaty relations. This false statement was put forth as a campaign weapon. These newspapers however, have more or less circulation abroad. That which was used during the campaign to purposely misrepresent facts and thereby delude people here, will appear as information abroad to the effect that a certain percentage of Hawaiian population is unfriendly to the United States.
The steamer which sails for San Francisco o the 14 th instant, will carry the news of the now certain victory of the National Reform party in the next legislature, where the people are now conceded a good working majority. This majority cannot now be reduced to any extent and is pretty certain to be increased when the full returns are in.
When the steamer of the 14 th instant reaches the coast the information sent forward by the government papers together with prior campaign misrepresentations will adjust themselves as follows: A majority of the population of the Hawaiian islands is hostile to the United States and the treaty. This majority, if the claim of the government papers is true, has so expressed itself by voting the National Reform ticket.
Of course the Nationa Reform party is both friendly to the United States and is very much in favor of our present reciprocity treaty. Therefore, what was intended by the two government newspapers as a campaign weapon, becomes a political boomerang which is as likely to stike Hawaiian commercial intereats as to miss them.
Advertise in the NATIONAL HERALD.
Large and Enthusiastic Meeting of Mechanics and Workingmen!
The meeting of the Mechanics’ and Workingmen’s Political Protective Union, pursuant to the call of its secretary W.H. Stone, was called to order by vice-President McKenzie. Three cheers were heartily given for the National Reform party. Mr. T.K. nathaniel chosen interpreter.
Mr. Mehrtens alluded to the origin of the Mechanic’s Union with twenty-three members which soon increased to 500. Its strength then attracted notice. The speaker alluded to the untiring energy displayed. He gacv a history of the platform to which our candidates are pledged. It was a surprise to the government party and the result February 5 th was a still greater source of astonishment. The election passed off so quietly that the government party thought the National Reform party had lost and they had won.
At this stage Mr. Phillips entered and took the chair amid applause. He called on Mr. Crabbe, who said on the day of election he was surprised to see so much sobriety . At the polls on School street , his funeral was announced next day, but no funeral is probable except the funeral of the government party which will take place as soon as the returns are in. Mr. Waterhouse, Sr., had said to him that capital would now be driven from the country. The speaker repudiated the idea. The future is uncertain. Much of it will depend upon the obstacles and opposition to be encountered. With thanks Mr. Crabbe resumed his seat.
D.W. Pua then came forward and thanked the Union for its support in electing him. He spoke of the amalgamation of the Union with the Hui Kalaiaina. He spoke of them as elder and younger brother. The 5 th of February certified to the brotherhood and established the strength of the National Reform party. Up to the day of election his friends informed him that his name would be scrathed. He replied if so he would fall a martyr and not squeal. He invited his constituents to scrutinize his future record, and if he fell short of the performance of his duty he hoped he would be yanked out bodily. He hoped to be worthy of his seat.
Mr. Marques acknowledged the efforts which had elected him with gratitude. Before being a successful candidate he had the honor to belong to this Association.
He recounted how he became a member of this Union. The speaker gave a graphic history of the formation, and growth of the original Anti-Asiatic Union, which was marshaled into existence by himself . He claimed it as the seed from which to-day’s successful party sprang. He congratulated the Union on the successful issue of the election. But it must not be supposed that because the first battle is won that the war is over.
He urged harmony and union as essential, to a successful following up of the victory already achieved.
A. Rosa first addressed the meeting in Hawaiian. In an English addenda to his speech, he said he had always fought the Hawaiian cause. He had no objection to the constitution but was averse to the means by which it was secured. He was opposed to violence. He had counseled the natives to secure redress for their grievances by peaceful and constitutional methods. The reform party had commenced its career with the “boodle” system. He alluded desparagingly to the qualifications which had secured appointments to office. He was guilty of no race prejudice in saying that the kanaka always gets the worst of it. Yet he advocated always the ballot rather than the bullet. He returned thanks for the cordial reception accorded him.
Mr. Phillips in response to enthusiastic calls said: So much had been said and said so well that nothing remianed to be said by him. He thanked the party for his nomination and election. He had allowed himself to be led like a lamb to slaughter. In spite of all his protests he was now a noble. In his nomination he acknowledged a compliment to labor rather than himself. “Labor is king.” But labor must have the co-operation of capital. The National Reform party selected representatives of both labor and capital to represent them in the next legislature. Where he took his seat in the next legislature he would with all his enegy support the platform of the National Reform party. His voice would ever be raised for the benefit of the laboring classes of this country. He again returned thanks for the honor conferred upon him.
R. More urged a continuacne of the meetings of the Union. He felt sure the representatives would carry out the objects for which they were elected. They would be held to strict account. We insisted on a government devoted to no clique or faction, but a government broad enough to include all the people. He then moved adjournment subject to call of the vice- president as the president had got too high. Carried.
The Royal Hawaiian Band will give a concert this Saturday afternoon at 4:30 o’clock, at Emma square . Following is the programme:
1. March—Suite………………………………………Lachner
2. Overture—Belisario………………………………..Donizetti
3. Polka—Pouting Face……………………………….Faust
4. Cavatina—The Martyrs…………………………….Donizetti
5. Selection—Norma………………………………….Bellini
6. Galop—Flott………………………………………..Strauss
[Latest Election Returns from Maui.]
Returns from Maui are incomplete but the election of the Reform nobles may be aaumed. Below will be found a statement of votes for nobles for the Districts of Lahaina, Kaanapali and Makawao:
a a a o
h a k t
a n a a
i a w l
n p a s
a a o . . l . .
. i . .
. . . .
C.O.Berger } 2 yrs 10 14 18------ 42
D. Logan } “ 9 14 19------42
A. Barba } 4 yrs 8 14 19------41
J. Kamakele } “ 9 14 21-------44
W.H. Daniels } 6 yrs 10 14 19-------43
W. Goodness } “ 10 14 18-------42
a a a o
h a k t
a n a a
i a w l
n p a s
a a o . . l . .
. i . .
. . . .
J. Anderson } 2 yrs 33 2 79------ 114
L. Von Tempsky } “ 31 2 76------109
W.H. Cornwall } 4 yrs 33 2 76------111
R.D. Walbridge } “ 33 2 74------109
H.P. Baldwin } 6 yrs 33 2 80------115
W.Y Horner Sr } “ 31 2 76------109
Returns from Makawao on votes for representatives show:
1 st Pre. 2d Pre. Total.
Halstead, Reform, 110 235 345
Kala, National Reform, 39 117 156
Lahaina has gone reform on the vote for representatives:
White, Reform, 24
Nazareta, National Reform, 200
Rumor gives Hana and Huelo to the reform candidates by large majority. Ulupalakua is said to have gone National Reform on votes for representatives by 91 to 9. Wailuku is not reported.
Silcott, the defaulting cashier of the serjent-at-arms’ office of the United States House of Representatives has been located in Canada by a newspaper reporter.
The Grand Duke Nicholas of Russia is hopelessly ill with a cancer.
The determination of the Chinese Government to construct a railway from Pekin to Giru, a town situated near the Russian frontier, has created considerable official uneasiness in St. Petersburg. As a set off against this is the contemplated increase of the Russian fleet in the Pacific.
A private letter from Vienna states that the Emperor of Austria is rapidly growing feebler. He talks of immediate abdication and of retiring to a monastery.
The Novoe Vremya newspaper of St. Petersburg advocates a scheme to oppose English colonization in Africa.
A dispatch from Vienna states that 500 striking glass workers have attacked the factory in which they were employed and destroyed all the machinery.
A Meblourne dispatch says that Neil Matterson, the oarsman, has challenged Peter Kemp to row a race for the sculling chanpionship of the world and $5,000.
Peter Jackson, the slogger, declares that he is more anxious than ever to meet John L, Sullivan and cannot understand why he should now raise the terms which he originally made and which Jackson promptly accepted.
A Paris cablegram states that the fiery Marquis De Mores considering himself insulted b y an article in La Nation, has challenged M. Dreyfus, the editor, to a duel with pistols.
The business part of town of Covington Mo. has been burned.
The Chinese in Europe.
Chinese cheap labor is making itself felt even in Europe. Swedish matchmakers have until recently controlled the principal markets of the world, and immense quantities of their products have been exported in every direction. The Chinese have gone into the business, however, and in accordance with their usual custom, have commenced by cutting down prices to a limit which cannot be reached even by the cheapest of European cheap labor. Chinese-made matches are now being sold in Hamburg and other European ports for 27 shillings 6 pence a case less than the Swedish article and as a consequence the history of many industries American bids fair to be repeated in the old country .— [ Ex.
Children’s Clothing, Furnishing Goods, Etc. Full Line of Holiday Goods Kid Gloves.
In Ribbed and Plain.
(McInerny Block.)
All orders for wheel vehicles of every description filled with promptness. First-class mechanics only are employed.
Tram Cars, Omnibusses,
Plantation Wagons,
Mule and Ox Carts.
Made to Order, Altered or Repaired,
Carriage Painting, Timming, Etc.
Our Horse Shoeing Department
Is under the management of R. Cayford, who will collet and receipt all bills due that branch of our business.
Signed, W.W. WRIGHT & SON,
Nos. 79 & 81 KING STREET.
O ka makou mau moho ua makemake ia hoohana a e kokua ikaika i na hana a pau e pomaikai ai na Limahana--- Kumuhana Aoao Lahui.