Ahailono o ka Lahui, Volume I, Number 25, 7 Pepeluali 1890 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

mmĒmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmĒmmmmmmĒmmmamĒmmmmmmmmmmm/m^mmmmmmmmmm. R£LLY ONCE AGAIN BOYS. The membertt of the M§chanics and VVorkingmen's Politica| Protectiye Union w.ill liolel iheii* regular meetiiig this eyi&niiig, in tlw> Kniglite of ; Pjthias Hall, Fort street. I" Mniaāī atnongp' tlie toembers that have brayely borne tlie lieat of the day wlaieli : haslead to suclh glorious resujts, will be in or^er. W. H. Stokē. of tlie Mechanics' and Workingmen's PoHtieal Protective Union. R. MORE & CO., MACHINISTS & BLAOKSn/lITMS. Particular Attention Paid to Sliip Work. Goo<3 Work at Low Kates Guaranteed. No. 7| STUEKT, : $>' ~ HONOLULU, - - H. I. feb7-dtf Bell I'elephone Ko. 2. P. O. Box No. 423, WALKER & REOWARD, COHTRACTBRS AND BUILDERS. Brick, Stone and Wopden Buildings. Estimatee Given. Jobbing Promptly Attended to __ " ■ ' ; : :f; " I¥o. 78 l£ftJ%& £XKISI<;T, ' * HONOLULU, - - H.l feOT-dtf ; 'l ■■■■■ — ' — — iOHN PHILUPS, i . : GAS FITTER, COPPERSMITH, I'M'MIIKH. Particular Attention paid to Tin Hoofing and the Fitting up of Gas Machines. 3©. ( 7t Near Bethel. HONOLULU, - - H. I. f.W-i)tf W. W. WRI6HT & SON, MHEIiAL CARBIAGE mm AJS» AH orders for wlieel velbicle6 of every descrlpti(M| mm wit|i i>roiiiptheBs. Firßt-class medhanieii only are cmployed. FI3SJE CARRIAGE WPAK A SPEt'ULXV. Tram Car« f Oia«ibusses, t Plantatlon Wagoi)a&- |£j llKale Ox €arth Made t(|> Order, Altered or I^epaired^ Jpainting, Trimming, Etc* Our Horse Shoeina Deparlmenl i »i ;. / Ib uu4er tlie mana«:eiiient of 11. Cayiord, vho wi4 cblleet and receipt .ull hilū ttnu £hat Waneh of our buBiiie6s. Signed, '! W. W. WRIGHT & SON, Vo S . .y» & snius«i .hijsuim\ I|ELL TetE||loNE t 881,