Ahailono o ka Lahui, Volume I, Number 25, 7 February 1890 — LOCALS. [ARTICLE]

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Service at St. Au<.lrew's CatliO<lial at 7 p. m. Po!/nesi«a tnui»uipnient, No. 1, meets ftt'7;3o p. m. Oeeanie Coxincil s No. 777, A. L. o! H. meets at 7:30 p. m. _ _ * Australia arrive<l to-day from San Fmiicisco ari«l Zealandia is due tliis evening* , from tbe Colonies. The Hawaiian Camera Clnb bolds its regnlar| monthly meeting at its rooms this evēning. j Tlie Houolulu Arion's regular montlily meeting tubes plaee this evening at the Arion Hall. The perjury eases were nollepios'd in the poliee eoui'i to-day. The drill of company D, Honoluhi Bifles r will take place at the Armory on i!eretaniaSt., at 7:30 p. m. A fine programme will be rendered by tlie Royal Hawalian Band at the Hotel this eveniug All. should attend. i The sailor who was injured by a fall on the t bark C. D. Bryant yesterday morning is now in ; tn© Queen's Hospital. ; The Woman's Board of Missions will assemble ! this afternoon at 2:30, at the Central Union j Uhureh. ! Mr. and Mrs. Bienham will be entertained this evening by Hon. J. I. Dowsett, Sr., at his Palama residence. Mr. and Mrs. Brenham will take tlieir departure on the Zealandia for theii* home in New York city. Their friends all unite in wishes | for their future happiness. ' The fastest time on record across the Paeifie ! Oeean was made by tlie steamerChina in 12 days» [ 20 hours and 54 minutes. Nellie Bly should have waited for this vessel. ! The Board of Representatives' of the Honolu!n Pire Department held their regular montaly meeting last night at the Bell Tower. No business was trunsacted, the meeting adjouruing for two wee"ks\ Lisewh€Ye appear» a notice of a of the Mechanics' and Workingmen's Political Protective Union this evening, in Knights of Pythias ! Hall.

Tlie eleelioii of officers for tlie Oaku Railway and Lainl Co. will take plaee a.t tke Coinpany's ofißce at 3 p.'m., February 26. Otker busmesB of importaiice will be transacted.

Tke following is a list of passengers per steamer Australia: —J. Hyman aiid wife, Miss Hattie HytDan, D. Keil, Mrs. W. Dubbon and 3 ckildren, A. E. Marchand and wife, N. E. Baker and wife, C. B. Platt wife and ckild, Dr. A' McWayne, S. S. Crocker and wife t Miss M. K. McGuire, D. Peek, Mrs. C. Hatkaway, Miss Hatkaway, J, H. Biker, Mrs. E. M. Brown, Jl. McKenzie, Edw. Spring, Mrs. Lawranco and cjiild, Jas. Batckelder, Miss Eiuua L. Clark, F. v»uo I, J. M. Briglit, Edw. Beuner, F. J. B. Cordelro, 11. K. aud 30 bteeiage Tke Royal HarWaiian Band will. give a public cpucert tais Friday at tlie Huwaiian H<,)tel at 7:30 o'eloek. Follpwing is tlie prograiuule: IV Overtnre—Masaniello .......... ... .'.Au£er 'S4 Marck—The Guard5.................. !■. £ow Bailad—A Beautiful Time. .Lortzmg 4, S^libCfciou —PnneeMi»amoti>,l>y ' iquē3t.Filiettn Poli. Liko. Malu. 5. Belection—Vert*Yert Offenback 61 Waltz —Vietina Bon-Bons Strauss 7j. Bauce—Aboriginal .Strauss 8, Medley—North und Soutli Tobani Hawaii Pon- i.