Ahailono o ka Lahui, Volume I, Number 25, 7 February 1890 — Untitled [ARTICLE]

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The Oaliu election won without money or a corabination of great polilieal inAuenee, whieh existed on the govermnent side. Tt was a clear vic tor\- of the people and by the in \rhat the Ad\*ertiser is pleased to eall, stronghold of corruption in Hawaiian politics."

Retukns received from Kauai show the government party on that island elected a straight ticlcet, This was expected. The coraplexion of tlie ticket, however, will not be objectcd to, as at least two of the candidates elected are independent with strong leanings towards the people's cause.

The native people of Honolulu are almost a unit in expressing eonMenee anel trust in the ca-ndidates eleeted on Oahu. If present expectatioiis are fulfilled, as they doubtless will be when all the returns are in } the fiftli of Feburary t 1890, will be long rēmēmbēred by all classes of our paople, as the day marljing the eommeneement of a long-desired state of pblitical affairs '

We are sorry that the oflicial journal of the present government takes the result of the Oahu election in such a querulons manner. Tf we remeraber, the government journal was advising its former adherents a duy or two before election to take victory, if secured, moderately and to sustain defeat like men, Tho foolish an,cl inconBistent complaints now being uttered show that the government journal takes defeat like a child s as it would likely have taken victorv ha<l it been secnred.

Therē is one question tbat has ofteu beeii raised lately , whieli the prosent ©lection has vijtually settled ; as to whethev native Hawaiians ean be trusted with the ballot. Should the qaestion eome up at a-fiy future time we feel that the qniet |udgment and political eonsideration shown by all native Hawaiians last. Wednesday, warraiits us in agreeing with the sound judgment lately expressed by Mr. A, B, Hartwell to the effect, that the natives will not abuse political power, if placed under favorable and equable politieal surroundings.

Ouk esteemeii coritemporary, the Advertiser. «»iggests tbat tlie govern meiit buiMing is being *'*diligently eleaned and in eonrse of preparation, probably, for a new crowd." We deprecato sr,ch illnatured tlings as having a tendeney to ill-feeling tor whieh there is really no cause. We fflight answer in the same i!l-tempered vein that the gov~ ernment should always keep the bnid iug elean, This, howe?er, would be unjust a* we believe thd government building has always been kept elean aud tibat the present is only one of the eleanings of whieh a dis» grnntled journalist has pētnlanth*| t ikon advantfige.

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