Ahailono o ka Lahui, Volume I, Number 25, 7 February 1890 — Page 2
The National Herald.
THE Oahu election was won without money or a combination of great political influence, which existed on the government side. It was a clear victory of the people and by the people, in what the Advertiser is pleased to call, “the stronghold of corruption in Hawaiian politics.”
RETURNS received from Kauai show that the government party on that island elected a straight ticket. This was expected. The complexion of the ticket, however, will not be objected to, as at least two of the candidates elected are independent with strong leanings towards the people’s cause.
THE native people of Honolulu are almost a unit in epressing confidence and trust in the candidates elected on Oahu. If present expectations are fulfilled, as they doubtless will be when all the returns are in, the fifth of February, 1890, will be long remembered by all classes of our people, as the day marking the commencement of a long-desired state of political affairs!
WE are sorry that the official journal of the present government takes the result of the Oahu election in such a querulous manner. If we remember, the government journal was advising its former adherents a day or two before eletion to take victory, if secured, moderately and to sustain defeat like men. The foolish and inconsistent complaints now being uttered show that the government joural takes defeat like a child, as it would likely have taken victory had it been secured.
THERE is one question that has often been raised lately, which the present election has virtually settled ; viz., as to whether native Hawaiians can be trusted with the ballot. Should the question come up at any future time we feel that the quiet judgement and political consideration shown by all native Hawaiians last Wednesday, warrants us in agreeing with the sound judgment lately expressed by Mr. A.S. Hartwell to the effect, that the natives will not abuse political power, if placed under favorable and uquable political surroundings.
OUR esteemed contemporary, the Advertiser suggests that the government building is being “diligently cleaned and renovated, in course o preparation, probably, for a new crowd.” We deprecate such ill-natured flings as having a tendency to ill-feeling for which there is really no cause. We might answer in the same ill-tempered vein that the government should always keep the building has always been kept clean and that the present is only one of the periodic cleanings of which a disgruntled journalist has petulantly taken advantage.
Advertise in the NATIONAL HERALD.
The good results of the National Reform victory on Oahu are already showing among the people. It is almost useless to repeat that the public sentiment of the day is one of satisfaction and confidence among all classes of our people. The general geeling of distrust has passed away, which has for the past two years kept the people of different races from mingling and freely expressing their opinions and discussing the political situation. Confidence in future politcal justice being done, without prejudice to any one class, has brought the native Hawaiian and the haole, into closer political relations. This argues well for the social and political reconstruction of the people of the entire kingdom to the satisfaction of all.
We do not indulge in rose-colored views for the future. We rather adhere to the matter-of-fact, as already established by late political events. For years past there has been a tacit understanding among race factions here that they agree to disagree. This has been one of the most prolific causes of political evil that has prevailed here of late years. Its ugliness has not been fully seen until years of political quarreling terminated in political oppression exercised by the dominant faction. It is a further fact that the native race has received most of the political disagreements. But other classes of good citizens have also been made to feel the rub of political events and politics from administration to administration. The natural result has bee ill-feeling , that has engendered political cross-purposes, which the National Reform party finds itself called upon to reconcile. The present government is quite right in intimating through its official journal that the National Reform party has undertaken a big contract. It certainly has; but we believe the people will successfully complete the contract to the advantage and satisfaction of the entire kingdom.
The contract referred to above is political reconstruction and the harmonizing of those political and social elements, which have so long been at sword’s points on account of mutual misunderstandings rather than from real causes. The first step in this direction was taken by the people themselves on the fifth day of February, 1890. The second and most decisive step will be taken by the new government when the well determined policy of the National Reform party is practically and impartially carried out in the interests of the people as a whole. Justice to all and special favors to none will be, as it should be, the political motto of any really good government. The people now have their shoulders to the wheels of government. Let them see to it that they place the Hawaiian Government where the indifference or self-interest of former administrations has heretofore prevented it being placed!
Walker & Redward announce themselves as contractors and builders in another column. All kinds of work entrusted to them will meet with careful attention.
Service at St. Andrew’s Cathedral at 7 p.m.
Polynesian Encampment, No. 1, meets aat 7:30 p.m.
Oceanic Council, No. 777, A.L. of H. meets at 7:30 p.m.
Australia arrived to-day from San Francisco and Zealania is due this evening from the Colonies.
The Hawaiian Camera Club holds its regular monthly meeting at its rooms this evening.
The Honolulu Arion’s regular monthly meeting takes place this evening at the Arion Hall.
The perjury cases were nolle pros’d in the police court to-day .
The frill of company D, Honolulu Rifles, will take place at the Armory on Beretania St., at 7:30 p.m.
A fine programme will be rendered by the Royal Hawaiian Band at the Hotel this evening. All should attend.
The sailor who was injured by a fall on the bark C.D. Bryant yesterday morning is now in the Queen’s Hospital.
The Woman’s Board of Missions will assemble this afternoon at 2:30, at the Central Union Church.
Mr. and Mrs. Brenham will be entertained this evening by Hon. J.K. Dowsett, Sr., at his Palama residence .
Mr. and Mrs. Brenham will take their departure on the Zealandia for thei home in New York city . Their friends all unite in wishes for their future happiness.
The fastest time on record across the Pacific Ocean was made by the steamer China in 12 days, 20 hours and 54 minutes. Nellie Bly should have waited for this vessel.
The Board of Representatives of the Honolulu Fire Department held their regular monthly meeting last night at the Bell Tower. No business was transacted, the meeting adjourning for two weeks.
Elsewhere appears a notice of a meeting of the Mechanics’ and Workingmen’s Political Protective Union this evening, in Knights of Pythias’ Hall.
The election of officers for the Oahu Railway and Land Co. will take place at the Company’s office at 3 p.m., February 26. Other business of importance will be transacted.
The following is a list of passengers per steamer Australia :- -J. Hyman and wife, Miss Hattie Hyman, D. Keil, Mrs. W. Dubbon and 3 children, A.E. Marchand and wife, N.R. Baker and wife, C.B. Platt, wife and child, Dr. A. McWayne, S.S. Crocker and wife, Miss M.K. McGuire, D. Peck, Mrs. C. Hathaway, Miss Hathaway, J.H. Riker, Mrs. E.M. Brown, R. McKenzie, Edw. Spring, Mrs. Lawrance and child, Jas. Batchelder, Miss Emma L. Clark, F. Wood, J.M. Bright, Edw. Benner F.J.B. Cordeiro, H.R. Gilbert, and 30 steerage .
The Royal hawaiian Band will give a public concert this Friday evening at the Hawaiian Hotel at 7:30 o’clock. Following is the programme:
1. Overture—Masaniello………………………Auber
2. March---The Guards………………………..Low
3. Ballad---A Beautiful Time………………….Lortzing
4. Selection---Prince Minamoto, by request…..Fillettn
Poli. Liko. Malu.
5. Selection---Vert-Vert……………………….Offenbach
6. Waltz---Vienna Bon-Bons………………….Strauss
7. Dance---Aboriginal…………………………Strauss
8. Medley---North and South………………….Tobani
Hawaii Ponoi.
Election Jottings.
A. Rosa obtained 158 votes from Waialua and 168 from Koolauloa. Being unopposed his majority is 326.
Kauhi carried Ewa and Waianae over J.I. Dowsett Jr. by a vote of 224 to 80. The vote stood by precincts: Ewa, Kauhi, 81 ; Dowsett, 41. Waianae, Kauhi, 143; Dowsett 39.
The steamer Jas. Makee brings tidings of the success of the government ticket on Kauai.
A rumor prevails that J. Nawahi, J.T. Baker and James Matoon, of Hilo; J.K. Kaunamano, of Hamakua; and J.K. Hookano of Kohala have carried the day. The report cannot be vouched for.
Attention is called to the advertisement of R. More & Co., which appears in this issue. The firm is well and favorably known for turning out first-class work.
John Phillips, plumber, comes to the front and invites custom through the medium of our columns. Mr. Phillip’s reputation as a first-class workman is a guaranty of faithful performance on hi spart of all work in his line, given to him.
The members of the Mechanics and Workingmen’s Political Protective Union will hold their regular meeting this evening, in the Knights of Pythias Hall, Fort street .
Mutual congratulations amonst the members that have bravely borne the heat of the day which has lead to such glorious results, will be in order.
Secretary of the Mechanic’s and Workingmen’s Political Protective Union.
R. MORE & CO.,
Particular Attention paid to Ship Work. Good Work at Low Rates Guaranteed.
HONOLULU, - - - H.I .
Brick, Stone and Wooden Buildings. Estimates Given. Jobbing Promptly Attended to.
Particular Attention paid to Tin Roofing and the Fitting up of Gas Machines.
Near Bethel.
All orders for wheel vehicles of every description filled with promptness. First-class mechanics only are employed.
Tram Cars, Omnibusses,
Plantation Wagons,
Mule and Ox Carts.
Made to Order, Altered or Repaired,
Carriage Painting, Timming, Etc.
Our Horse Shoeing Department
Is under the management of R. Cayford, who will collet and receipt all bills due that branch of our business.
Signed, W.W. WRIGHT & SON,
Nos. 79 & 81 KING STREET.