Ahailono o ka Lahui, Volume I, Number 24, 6 February 1890 — LOCALS. [ARTICLE]

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Ono arrost Tbe faiiiugs of Ka-ne~-short-Cuminiiigs. A, M:\rques, is n marquis of tlie third district. Oue hu«dred ninety*three ' of tJbie "Red Liou" ure uupared. Tho eolunm eulogj' of the Time. 011 Mr. Aehi proved to be an elegy as well. To-:norrow the steamer Australia, bearer of sisieen days later news, will arrive. A Morgan-atic j}ttaehment—the &ttachuieiit of the auetioiieer to the liou's elaws. Marques, who was a «peeial target for tlie abuse of his adversaries, seeins to have lost uothiug by. it. The Board of Bepreseutativeß of the Houolulu Fire Departmeut meet this eteuiug. Hon. C. W. Ashford, attorney geueral of the Jl;iwaiian kingdoni will retum to Honoiulu duriug the iatter part of this month. Tlie Hilo Record denies that the Independeut eandidates ot Hamakua and Kohala are meu of i4overnment proelivities. Full elēction returus from Molokai, Kauai, Maui, Hawaii and Lamu are expeeted to arnve during nest Sunday and Monday. The Frieud's description of the politieal situation needs tlie additional light to be derived by nn inspeetion of the eleetion returns. Information received at this offiee to-day indicates that the eaudidates ou the opposition ticket 011 Hawuii will all be elected with perhaps one exeeption! The city seems to be in ,guod humor to-day. The vanqtiished seem to take tlieir defeat in good part and the victors deport themselves with becsoming moderation aud are characterized by abseuce of all ehildish exultatiou. The headquarters of the Natioual Keform party at the Hawaiiau Hotel were througed throughout yestei(my aud were crowded to overflowiug last niglit. \Yiien the reUirns were brought in at half past ei«ht o'eloek by Mr. E. C. Macfarlane hii> faee revt'aled vietory aud the crowd broke iuto prolonged eheers. When quiet was iestored aud the returus were aimouneea the headquarters aud corridoi , s beeame the scene of wiid euthubiasm, whieh lasted uutil the candidates present dispersed at ten o'eloek.