Ahailono o ka Lahui, Volume I, Number 24, 6 Pepeluali 1890 — LET US BE MANLY IN DEFEAT! [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


v A \ To the EdUor of Ihe Nalional Herald : < - | 5 Bir: —Biiring the lieat of eleeUoii 1 exaggerations of feeling, prejudice and passion are but nutural.' Thev are catnpAign weupons. But wlien tbe battle is dver anel tbe smoke ! bas cleared away, there is no longer; tise for the same weapons, Then is| the time for a clear and ealm contem plation of thefield of F*rife to ascertain the extent of the victory or defeat. VVrathful discharges of invective wi!l uot add to 01* detract from the result. ; He who belongs to thc winning side should accept his victory with forbearanee, and he who suffers defeat should gdmit it with reasonable good nature and sangfvoid. In sucb spirit the yesult of the election yesterday has ī>een gererally i-eceived, The Advertiser, bowever, indulges in a burst of tjinwGithy spite over the issue of the Glection. It asserts that the minority composed of tbe property f intel- J

igence an<l rospectability of tbe eom*' muni ty. Tbe f>n T tri>j as established by th# propc;rty qiuilification esumate mui bav?? been witb tbe victorious party. InteUl<jc uee is not eonimeel to one party, a ikl rvspectab'ūiiy is &omer times 'm inatter of opinion. Tlie orgaa furtber says, "everyone knows bow prdfe«sional aiid business jrien voCedl yestertlay. It is tbj£ enliglitened public sentinient >vlneb forced tbe oppositioii to adopt a pro£ressive platfonn.** Wby 11 ot go a little furtber and say tbat tbe minority of brains, etc., - fqrced a majority of nounee in favor of National Beforia " It is tbeessenc3 of smaīK ness to belittle a victory by ascribing it to tbe connivance 01* favoring tacti« of tbe defeated party. One of the Defeated. To the Fare thee well! and if forever, Stili forever fare thee well! —Byrtoi.