Ahailono o ka Lahui, Volume I, Number 24, 6 February 1890 — THE OAHU ELECTION. THE VOICE OF THE PEOPLE! A Glorious Victory for the National Reform Party! A Straight Ticket Elected with One Exception! [ARTICLE]

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A Glorious Victory for the National Reform Party!

A Straight Ticket Elected with One Exception!

Yesterday the general election was held. M The day so mild ' Was Heaven's own child With eartli aud oeean reconciled." The passions engendered by politi - eal strife, the prejudices aroused by inflammato.ry appeals from press and stump, in short, all tlie bitterness sown dur!ng the canvass soeraed tp have died away. The scenes at the polls were as quiet and uneventful as the gathering on Sunday in front of a rural church. It was in every way a tnodel election. The polling ,places were utiiized for transaction of the people*s business. The conduct of tlie people was orderly and the demeanor of the election oflicers faultless.* r There were two polling places in eaeh of the five distriets. Below

uiil be fouutl tablos volo« of these. Returns !rom the sixtli diBtrict indieate tlie eleeiion of Rev, J. Paikuli over J\ L. Kaulukou by 130 to 128. In the sev0nth district A. Bosa met witl\ noopposition. īn the eiglitb Hon, ; A. Kauhi roceived 81 and J. I. Dow sett, Jr., 41 votes. Outsido districte are yet to be heard from on the vot© for nobles, but the Honolulu major ities are so large tliat these returus cannot disturb the result. From all whieh it wlll appear that the Nationa5 Ref<?rm paity has elected nine nobl<3« and seven reproson tat ives, while the government partv has sec\ired one i representativo m the person of Ceelf Brown. KEPRESENTATlVEh) FOK THE I,SLAND Ok' OAHU 4 Firsfc distii(ft. K:t pieu. 2apitio. Total.Maj. CecilBrowii.100 199 305 I? Johr E. Basb .109 123 292 SecoTīd district W. R. Cummings...... 224 187 411 193 S. K. Kane... 90 128 218 TMr<l dietrict. A. Marquc . ...... 202 240 442 21» M. A. 'Gorwil\ t142 82 224 •> ■ Fourth -listrict. T. Lncns 297 104 401 195 J. F. Morgati.. . . 78 130 208 Fifth distrlct. E. W. \Viicox ......... 149 217 366 23t W. O. Aeiii. 47 00 116

NOBLEB FOR THV; ISLAND OF OAHU. NAT10NAL BEFORM TlCKīiT. ~lstl)is: 2d Dis. 3d Dis. I 4thlDĪl 5thl)is. W ) | o CANDIDATES. £ i Ē -.2 ® ■£'. E |T f ■ • ' ■ ■ S *0 ■ . '"Ō *T3 . • U ' *tJ I »C5 * 11 5 5 1 |_1_ John Phillips 1 67 j 91 109 87 109' 13o| 75 73' 82t S3® H. €rabbe > Two y«ars. 67 64 £5 103 S0 105, 129, 62 73i 8r 8S» C. J. McCarthy ) 68 72 62 103 82' 108 128] 69 73 82 847 D. W. Pua } 66 681 63 103 82 107 127 i 61 741 82! 83J E. Muller Foqt years. 67 81 | 64! 104 85 108 130! 71 73! 83 9« E. C. Macfarlane ) H 85 67 111 89 111 128| 74 74i 85 896 J. A. Cummins ) 68 } 60 110 $S 106 128! 74 74 84 885 H. A. \Videmann > Sixjears. 68} 84 { | 67! 105 85 107! 127 : 66 74 83 866 - J. S. Walker ) 67].. 69j| 621 97 83 .105 [126; 65j 73; 78 825 ; KEFORM TICKET. ! !st Dis. Jj 2d Dis, j ■ 3d Dis. 4th Di«. 5th Dis. j £f cANDix» iT Es, : 3 tl 11 1 ? 1 I S. M. Kaankai, ) ! 56! J53| 38! 109! ! 80 64 42? 103 r 28 38 73J t /Two years. j 53| 148j 57 : 110; S0| 62 42| 112 25 38 727 B. F. Dillmgham } \ i 57: 163} 63 115; 85j 66.j 44i 115 28i 40 77fi J. I. Dowsett, Sr., ) j 57! 16o|l 61 112' 821 64! 42 1 112 Ē 41 75» H.Liiihman. >Fouryears. j 54| 156n 56 109; 8lj 64] '43 115 28: 37 741 R. J, Greene, } i 47| 142ij 58 109| 75; 61 1 45 105 25* 36 701'. • at* ?>' ri 1 lder * K- j 55] 147| 58 Ill{ 761 67,j 46 111 39 735 K' |°^? son » . - Six years. .56, 1601 j 62, 117i : 85] 66, 45 116 26 41 774 W. O. Smith. ) [;52j 144jj 58[ 109j : 79] 64.j 45 10o| 2a| 39 720