Ahailono o ka Lahui, Volume I, Number 24, 6 February 1890 — THE DAY. [ARTICLE]

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The people of Oahu are to be congratulated. The good fight has been fougbt and a complete victory has been won in this island. From what is already known of the political feeling here and on tbe other islands there is no doubt that the National Reform party will have a working majority in the next legislature. We agree with a pronounced majority of the people of Oahu in declaring that the result of yesterday's vote is in favor of a manly and just government, in the interests of all the industrial classes of the kingdom without race prejudice or class distinction.

It is as yet too soon to attempt to analyze the vote and determine the results secured to the people,— cer tainly here and almost without doubt to a greater or less extent on the islands not yet officially heard from. The general result of the Oahu elec tion, however, makes several points very clear. The Oahu election has been won by majorities which leave no opening for cavil. The people of Oahu have declared in the plainest language that they do not endorse the past course and policy of the government party. At the same time it should be remembered that public rebuke has been given rather to the political leaders and varions cliques responsible for the past policy and political conduct of the government party, than to the personnel of the ticket itself.

Another fact clearly brought out is that the present victory on Oahu was gained by the united vote of all classes of our people. It is not a native victory ; it is not a victory of the dissatisfied foreign element resident here ; it is not a factional on personal victory, as have been most of those won in this past, but it is a victory of the united people over those objectionable po!itical elements which have heretofore succeeded in controlling aud running the government in the interest of a portion of the people. In Oahu the people have at last taken matters into their own hands, as they have doubtless done throughout the islands, and have declared their will, which every candidate elected will be required to carry out to the letter as provided for in the people's platform.

Those who are already refusing to take their defeat like men, and learn a lesson for the future therefrom, are but adding another to the long list of political mistakes already made and condemned by yesterday's vote. Th -

cry of race prejudice is certainly untimely at this late day. It would be a better and more patriotic course to remember that the past controllers of the party, which has just suffered

overwhelming defeat on Oaliu, are the cause of the effect with which they now angrily blame the people. It is pretty evident that the people of Oahu have confidence in themselves although they have none in the government. It is also quite logical and consistant for confidence abroad to be placed where the people of these islands wish to place it: viz, in the people's government constitutionally elected.

It is, therefore, doubly foolish to attempt to keep hbe fact before the public that race or rather class prejudice has heretofore existed as an element in Hawaiian politics. One of the prominent results of the election on Oahu yesterday will be to unite all classes of "our cosmopolitan people more closely and consequently allay the political prejudices, have been largely produced and fostered by the conduct of the party that has now happily and justly lost the controlling power.

The attempt to throw blame upon the native Hawaiians as a race for the defeat of the nobles ticket of the government party is as foolish as it is unjust. An analysis of the Oahu vote will bear out no such claim. The truth is, as before stated, the government has not suffered defeat through the votes of any one race, but through the united votes of all classes of our people, It is prominently the fact that the nobles' ticket of the government party was defeated by the union of a large percentage of the foreign noble vote with the minority of native electors, who were fortunately able to qualify under our present election law.

The truth is that the present election has settled so many of the political dlifficulties heretofore existing that our opposing political brethren are without an issue and are consequently prone to exhibit old arguments in new words. On the other hand the people prefer to take the victory thus far secured quietly and without unseemly display. Political justice has now probably been secured at a late day, it is true ; but the people do not propose to use political power unjustly. The interests of all classes of our citizens must be conserved and protected and to this end we firmly believe the policy of the National Reform party will be directed, should the returns from the other islands give the people full control of government!

A laughable incident occurred yesterday in the fifth district. A native approached the table on which were placed two boxes for votes—one for nobles and one for representatives. The inspector was in the act of depositing his vote in the box when the native caught sight of the legend " W. L. Wilcox, Inspector," inscribed on the other box and exclaimed " I don't want that box, put it in the Wilcox box !

Company A, Honolulu Rifles will meet this evening at half past seven o'clock.

The steamer Kinan will sail to-morrow afternoon on her usual route, She will carry the news of the National Reform victory on Oahu to the people of Maui and Hawaii.