Ahailono o ka Lahui, Volume I, Number 23, 5 February 1890 — GOVERNMENT PARTY AND UNCLE SAM. [ARTICLE]

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Goy't Party.—-I waiit p •otfcctlon/ Unele Sam.—Suffeilng BiiHkes! Are you iiot protected eaough already? Gov't Paity.—Yes, we are safe enougii, as far as that ia conc€rned, Lut we doii't liko tl»e qual-it-y of the protec:ion. We want IJuited States profcectioii. Unele Sam.~Wliy t īn thc name of all that in Beiisibfe, if j>tt>tecticm iu »afety, whui is th > diff' erenco between Uniteā Stute* pwtcctiou aud anv otiier? Gov't parr y. —Why, you «ee, uuder th)'a joint protection wo maminm a r-epa?a i ; autonomy. We have an a:.clusive er:istence. We wish to be included—ēr—iiicluded in you. We wish to tentifv our obligatioiis to you by giving you everything and reducing ourselves to iiothmg. Uuele Sam.—Well, you a:e reduced to nothmg ' i 111y Go home and submU your propo«ilion to the of yo;ii own people. I never make 'reaties agaio«t popul;'v ,sentiment. I doirt hold out mueh'liope > you oI this 'reaty, auyway. You hokl yourbelvc:y so eheap, I don't know why I shoukl rai-e ehu price. [Fxh>t.]