Ahailono o ka Lahui, Volume I, Number 23, 5 February 1890 — ELECTORAL HEADQUARTERS. [ARTICLE]

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Having yery g >od roa?>ous to believe in m\\v vf vbc »triugcnt prot>cr : Ptioiis of the j>resont law nini the itistrvictioiis of tlip Ministor c»f liiterior, ii)aiiy workors of the so-called ' l lt«forAi" or: govei'LiUDeiit party, are ret>orting, duriTig tlie pres-: ent campHign, to bribory, threats, pressiire, promi> isof different and other "eofrupt or īllēgal" prac.tiees forbidden by the sections 88, 90, 93, 94, 101 and 102 of the electoral law of 1888; Therefore, the sum of $b ) will be paia bv the Ceutiul Coumiittee of the National Iteform paTtv to auy person or persons whose evidonce will pro-' cure the couviction of any such iQftlpractk'es, and the above snm will be raised to $150, if the persou convicted be a government officer. ' Pei order of ct:ntral committee, National Rkfokm Paktv.