Ahailono o ka Lahui, Volume I, Number 21, 3 February 1890 — ELECTORAL HEADQUARTERS. [ARTICLE]

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Haviiig very goo;.l reasous to bolievo tbat, in spit# of tlie stringent proscriptioiis of tho present l«\v and tlio mstructious of tlie Mimster of ioi, m»iiy workers of tlie so-called M lteform" or goverumont party, are resortiug, «luring tlio pres©nt campaign, to briberj, tbreats, press\ire, pron:ises of diftereut kiml*, and olher "(\orrupt or illegal" practiees forbi<ldoii by tiie sections SB, 90, 93, (H, 101 anel 102 of the electoral law of 1888; Therefore, the suiii of $100 will t>e paiel by the Ceutral Coaimittee of tlie Natioual Reforw party to any persoii or persons whose evMence will pro. cure the (.;ouvicCion of any such malpractices, and the above srim will l>e raised to $150* if the per80U eonvicted l>e a government officer, jPer order of C'ENTKAL COMMITTEK, National Refohm Party.|