Ahailono o ka Lahui, Volume I, Number 21, 3 February 1890 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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Fourth District : F|rst Precinct. HONOLULU, OAHU. - _'fe , r . ' " REGISTRALION pF VOTERS. ■ The Inspectors of Eleetion for the First Precinct, D4striet Four, will mect at the offlce of M. D. Mon--Barrat, Cartwright b>iilding, Merchant street,'oppo?ite Postoffleo, ori FRTDAY, Jun 31st, for register- ; ing voter> awl' eorrecling the Kegister. NoiU eor any further meetings wiU be given at the above meetiugs. All voters who are re2ristcring are respectfully requeōtuU Io bring tlieir Tax Receipts. The First Preeinct of the Fourth District eomprises all tliat portion of said District lying west of Nuuanu street. M,; D. MONSARRAT, Chairinan of Inspectors of Election, First Precinct, Fourth District. jgBtf. Fourth District, Second Precinct! honolulu, oahu. REGISTRATION OF VOTERS. Tlie Tnspectors of EieeWon for the above Precinct. will meet :\t the Bell Tower for the purpo?e of regi istering voters and correeting the Register, on 1 FRIDAY. Jan. 31, from 4toBp. m. 4 i The boundaries of this Preeinct are as follows: ! Riehard street, Beretania street, Nuuanu street and i the Harbor: ' I Cs T. ROGERS, H. W. AULD, . T. C. PORTER, j2Btf īnspeetors of Election. , Fifth District, First Precinct. HONOLULU, OAHU. ■ HKGISTI{ATI()N* OF VOTERS. ! Tljelnspeetor of Election for the First Precinct ! of District Fiye will meet in raid Precinct at the | Refortnatory Sehool for Nobles andßepresentatives and eorrecling the Regi&ter, on MONPAY, January 1 27th, from 7t09 p. m., FRIDAY, January, 31st. from 7 to 9 p, M. NoUee of any further meetings wiil bc given at the above meetings. Tiie First,Preeinet of theFifth District comprises all that portiou of said District lying Ēast of the main road up Kalihi Valley and mauka of King All voters when registering are rcspcctfully requested to bring their T;u: Rf< j2Btf, Chairman. Fifth District, Second Brecinct ! ŌONOLULU, OAHU. KEGISTRATIOX OF VOTERS. The Ingpectors of Election for the 2nd Preeinet sth Distriet, Honolulu, will meet in said Precinct at the Reformatorv School for the purposr> of registering voters for Nobles and Rejiresentativcs, and 1 c6rr(seting tlic Rcglster, WEDNESDAY, Jan. 29th, from 4 to 7 p. m.' and on FRIDAY, Jan. 31st, frorn 2toB p. m. Notice of further meetiugs will be given at the above meetings. Pleaae bring your Tax Receipts. ■ The 2nd Precint of the stli District comprises all that portion of the Distriet makai of King street and west of the road up Kaliīii Chairman of Inspectors of Election, 2tid Precinct, sth District. j2Btf. Hoolaha Hoopaa Inoa. APANA 1, MAiIELE 1. EKOHO ana ka Papa Nana koho, Anana 1, Mahele 1, ma kaliale e ku nei maīoko o ka pa kiiUU pua o ke Aupuni ma Pawaa, 110 ka lioopaa ana iua inoa oka poē koho balota, i ka POAKOLU, lan 29, POAHA, lan. 30, a me ka POALIMA, lan. 31, mai ka hora 4 aku a ka liora 8 p. m . E. G. SCHUMAN, Lunahoomalu. Papa Nana Koho, Apana 1, Mahele l. jan. 28-I-week. ! ——-— — ; | Hoolaha Iloopaa Tnoa. j APANA 1, MAHELE 2 ENOHO ana ka Papa Nana o ka Apana 1, Mahele 2, ma ka Halekula, ma alanui Beritania i I ka Poalua la2B, mai ka hora 5 a ka hora 7:30 | p.m., a i ka Poalima aku hoi, hora 2:30 a ka hora 1 5:30 p.m. E kau ia ana ka papa inoa o na poe i hoopaa ia mawaho o ka hale ī olelo ia ae nei i ka Poaha a me ka Poalima aku. A ke kono ia aku nei na poe i hoopaa i ko lakou maii[ inoa e hele mai e iua ua paa ko lakou mau inoa ma ua papa inoala. ALBERT LUCAB, GARDNER WILDER, J. ALFRED MAOOON. J lan2B—lw HoolaKa Hoopaa Inoa. APANA2, MAHELE 1. ENOHO nna ka Papa Nana Koho o ka Apana 2, Mahele 1, ma ka halekuai, kiīii o Alanui Nnnanu a me Pauoa, no ka hoopaa ana i na inoa o *.a poe koho ika lft . apopo, Poakolu tanuari 29, mai ka hora 7a ka hora 9p.m,, a i ka Poalima aku hoi, lanuari 31, hora 2 a hora 6 p.m. ALFKED W. CAHTER, Lunahoomalu Papa Nana Koho, Mahele 1, Apaua 2, lan2B—lw