Ahailono o ka Lahui, Volume I, Number 20, 1 February 1890 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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| Fourth District, first Prsciwt I OAHU. 1 • * REGISTRALION ;OF VOTERS. The Inspectors of EleeUon for the First Precinct, i Dlstrict Four, will meet at t|£ offlce of M. D. MonI sarrat, Cartwright buildiftg. Merchant street, oppo- ! site Postoffice, on FRIDA i, Jsua Blst, for regiāteri ing votere utd correcting tbe Register. Notice of I any furthcr meetings will be given at the above | Hk66ti&Sße | All voters who are raristering are respectfully re- ! quested to bring thcir Tax Receipts. The First Precinct of the Fourth District eomS' rises all that portion of sald District ljing west of uuanu street. M. D. MONBAKRAT, t Chairman of Inspectors of EleeUon, First Precinct, I Foarth District. i 2B^Fourth District, Second Precinct! HONOLŪLŪ, OAHO. REGISTRATION OF VOTERS. The Inspectors of Eiection for the abovc Precinct ! will meet at the Bell Tower for the purpose of regi iatering voters and correctlng the Register, on FRIDAY. Jan. 81, from 4 to Bp.m. The boundaries of this Precinct are as follows : Richard gtreet, Beretania stroet, Nuuanu street and the Harbor: t Ca T. ROGERS, H. W. AULD, . T. C. PORTER, '-j3Btf Inspectors of Election. Fifth District JJgBt Pj»rfiict HOHOLULO. OAHU. !registrātion OF voters. ! The lnspector of EleeUon for the First Precinet j of District Five will meet in said Precinct at the ! Reformatory School for Nobies and RepreBeuUtive6 ' and correcting the Register v on MONDAY, January I 27th, from 7 to 9p. M., FRIDAY, January, 31st. from 7to9p. m. , . . * | Notice of auy further meetJngs will be given at the above meettngs The First Preciuct of the Fifth District comprises all that portion of said District lying East of the main road up Kalilii Valley and mauka of King street. Ail voters when regi«tering are rcspectfully reuue»ted to bring tlieir Tax Receipts. j F. WUNDENBER«, i j3Stf. Ohairman. ! Fifth Precinct Second District ! ' HONOLŪLU, OAHU. - ■ REGISTRATION OF VOTERS. The Inspectors of Election for the 2nd Precinet, sthDbtrict, Honoiulu, will meet iu said Precinct at the Reformatory School for the purposo of registering voters for Noblcs and Rei)resentatives, and correc?ing the Register, WEDNEBDAY, Jan. 29th, from 4 to 7 p. m.' aud ou FRIDAY, Jan. 31st, frow 2to 8 p. M. Notiee # of further mcetings will be given at the above meetings. Pleaae bring your Tax Receipts. The 2nd Precint of tbe sth District cowprises all that portion of thc District makai of Kiug street ; aud weet of the ro»d U p K.lihi V»lley. ! Chairman of Inspcctors of EleeUon, 2nd p recinct, sthDistrict. I 5 * 8 "- i — ——^ —— Hoolaha Hoopaa Inoa. APAKA 1, MAHELE 1. E NOHO ana ka Papa Nana Koho, Apana 1, Mahele 1, ma ka hale e ku nei maioko o ka pa ! kanu pua o ke Aupuni ma Pawaa, uo ka I ina inoa oka poe koho balota, ikaPO Ai KOLU, lan. 29, POAHA, lan. 30, a nwka POA|UMA, lan. 31. mai k» 4ho»8 i Lunahoomalu. Papa Nana Koho, Apana 1, Mahele 1. jan. 28-1-week. lloolaha Hoopaa Inoa. APANA 1, MAHELE 2. E NOHO ana ka Papa Nana o ka Apana 1, Mahele 2, ma ka Halekuia, ma alanui Beritanin i ka Poalua la 28, mai ka hora 5 a ka hora 7:30 p.m., a i ka Poaliuia aku hoi, hora 2:30 a ka hora 5:30p.m. . , E kau ia ana k& papa iuoa o na. i hoopaa īa mawaho o ka hale ī olelo ia ae nei i ka Poaha a me ka Poalima aku. A ke kono ia aku nei na [K>e i hoopaa i ko lakou mau iuoa e helaiuai e uaua iuii ua paa ko lakon mau inoa ma ua papa moala ALBERTLUCAS, GARDNER WILDER, J. ALFRED MAŌOON laii'2B -lw Hoolaha Hoopaa Inoa. ATA"KA 2, MAHICLE 1. ENOHO ana ka Papa Naua Koho o ka Apaua 2, Mahele 1, ma ka halekuai, kihi o Alanui Nuuanu a me Panoa, no ka hoopaa ana i na inoa o ka poe koho ika la apopo, Poakolu lanuan 29, mai ka hora 7a ka hora 9 p.m., a i ka Poaluua aku hoi, lanuan 31, hora 2 a hora 6 p«nh ALFRED W. CARTER, Lunahoomalu Papa Ka&a Koho, Mahele 1, iApaiia 2« lan2&—lw