Ahailono o ka Lahui, Volume I, Number 20, 1 February 1890 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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BY AUTHORITY. • RE6ISTRATION NOTICES. Firet DiBtrict First Precinct! HONOLULU, OAHO. REGISTRATION OF VOTEBS. Alist of votcrs for Nobles and Representatives has becn poeted at the Poiling plaee of this Preciurt, tbe Govcrnment Nureery on King street. Voters ean s«tiefy IhemaeWee by inspecting &aid list that their names *re propcrly entered. For tbe SuriK>Be of m&king any correctlons and for any adiiional namee to oeadded, meetings will be held at the Government NurBerv, King street, on WEDNESDAY/Jan m. THURBDAY, Jan. 30th, from 4 toB p. M. FRIDAY, Jan. 81, from 4 to 8 p! m. E. G. SCHUMAN, Chairman of In»pectors, lst Precinct, Ut Dlstrict. ]38tf. First Di»trict, Second Precb>ci ! HONOLOLŪ, OAHU. REGISTRATION OF VOTERSNotioe is hcreby given that a mecting will be held in the 2nd Precinct, lst Di6trict, Honolnlu, at the Public Bchool Houae on Beretania Btrec*t, b«tween PenaaeoU and Piikoi stroet B , on TUEBDAY, 38th inst., from 5 to 7:30 p. m., and on Friday, 31st inst., from 2:30 to 5:30 P. m. A Ust o* persona rēgistered and entitled to vote will be pi -ted at the above plaee on Thursday, 30th inst., and Friday, 3lst inst. All voters in this Precinct an 4 requested to see ,ha. , h eir „araCß GARDNEfk K. WILOEH, J. ALFRED MAOOON, j3Btf. Ins}»cctors of Election, 2nd Precinc t. Second District, First Precinct! HONOLULU, OAHU. HE(tISTRATIC)N OF VOTERS. The Inspectore of Eleelion for the "2hd Di?trict, lst Precinct, Honolulu, will moet at the 6tore, corncr of Nuuanu and Pauoa streett>, for the purpose of retristering vot€rs aud correcting the Register, on WEDNEBDAY, Jan. 29tb, from 7 to 9j p. m. aud FRIDAY Jan. 31st, from 2to 6 p. m. ua o aLFRED W. CARTER, Chairman of Insj>cctorB of Election, lst Precinct, 2d District. Second Di»trict, Second Precinct! HONOLULU, OA.HU. REGISTRATION OF VOTETS. The Board of Inspectors of Election for the 2ud Precinct, 2nd Dlstrlct, Honoluiu, will meet for regUtering voters and correeting the reg!Bter, at the Polling Plaee for said Precinct,Hon. W H. Rice s barn, aehool street, on FRIDAY,Jan. 31st, from ? to 9 p. M.. and at No. 4 Enginc houee, on MONDAY and *ftjEBDAY, Jan. 27th and 28th,from 7 to 9rii. JONATHAN BHAW, Chairman. Third District, First Precinct! HONOLULU, OAHU. REGīSTRATION OF VOTERS! Notice is hereby given that a meeting w iii be held in the First Preciuct, Third Dißtrict, Honoiulu, at the Honolulu Rifles Arraory, Beretania etreet, on WEDNESDAY, January 29th and FRIDAY, January 3lst, between the hours of 7 to 9 p. m., for the purpose of Registeriug Votcrs aud correctine the RjBffister. These meetlngs wiil be continucd from wSk to week at the saine plaee on the same days iuid hours as above, Tt*RKILL, }2Stf. Chairoßin. Third District Second Precinct! HONOLeH', OAHU. registration of voters For fhe i»urposeof registerins; voter*and corrccti.u- ihe list oi voters the undcrsigned wi 11 h<>id a Aliiolani llaie, on THI*RSDAY. Jan. $>tb, from 7 t0 9 P M. ; » Bc<hU- the above *neetiiur. applicatit>n> will Ik> rvctived daily for Kegi*tratiou of Voterb at the i>lace duriug oflico houre uutd the eud of tlus of this Piwitict aiv ae lollow*: \I! that iK»rti< 4 u of Monolulu iuakai; of lieretatna < t r eet the w?»ter fl*ont, bounded bv Richard stret t on the Ewa side. and by Alapai aud South streeth on the VVaikikiside. , . \o ean vi>te whoae name is not registered i„ tUv a BARNEY oRDEN'BTEIS\ V,. V. PETERS, of Eleeiwu. 2nd Pniouei, 3rd Di*trict.